Is there a safe time?


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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I was wondering if you get past a certain amount of weeks when you are more safe from a MC. I am only saying this cause I feel like ppl mainly my OH mum keeps saying that ppl tend to lose their first, her daughter did and my brothers wife lost theirs. I know she doesnt mean to upset me because she was just saying that if that happened at least we know that we can conceive. But now its all I can think about and I feel like im half expecting it to happen. I dont want to even think it n wish it wasnt mentioned. xxx
i think once you are past 12wks you are over the biggest danger period
The risk drops after 6 weeks and then significantly after 12 weeks hon. Don't be expecting it to happen- there are loads of us on here expecting our first. Sadly it does happen but you shouldn't feel it is more likely than having a safe and happy pregnancy. X
Hey hun as above once you get to 12 weeks the risk of mc drops a lot i am expecting my first and am almost at 13 weeks and i still worry there is no history in either of our families of mc but everyone is different
I had a great first pregnancy but sadly it was my second that I lost at 6wks and now I'm 17 weeks with my third! Sadly m/c does happen but keep thinking positive! Your more likely to have a healthy pregnancy than m/c so you should be fine Hun x x

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