Is there a problem...


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
with the PM service on here lately??? Is anyone else havin a problem???

I have been getting messages late and not getting a pop up saying there is one waiting.

Are you having similar probs?
I have sent Urchin a message 3 times over the past week ... and havent had any reply... I know shes probably busy... but just thought I'd ask if there was a problem cos I read on here a couple of people where havin probs and thought that people not getting PM's may have been one of them! :?
Monster munch..............

I just noticed your ticker...... CONGRATS! :dance: :cheer: :clap:
I not done a pm today however yesturday was all good

:cheer: :cheer:
Babylicious said:
I don't get a pop up with mine either :lol:

You can set it in your profile if you want it. Oh and you have PM baby

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Maybe Urchin just doesnt like me!!! :( :cry:

:D Just kidding!
I'm also not getting pop ups each time I get them - but still do sometimes :?
Babylicious said:
maybe you smell a bit :lol:

Maybe I smell alot!!! :? Cheeky :D

Must be my new perfume..... Shitty by Chanel! :rotfl:
I didn't get 3 pms, how weird, I did get one earlier in the week and added it to my "to-do" list then forgot a bit cos I've been so busy. :oops:

It's done now :D
Ive just had a look this morning...2 are in my outbox..and one in my sent mail :? Very bizarre!

Thankyou! :D
i hardly get any pm's so haven't notied anything odd. :think:
check your sentbox isnt full because if it is then messages will just sit in your outbox until there is room, they cant be sent if theres no room in your sentbox, if that makes sense :lol:
glitzyglamgirl said:
check your sentbox isnt full because if it is then messages will just sit in your outbox until there is room, they cant be sent if theres no room in your sentbox, if that makes sense :lol:

I checked that .. and there was no messages there at all as I'd prev cleared them (there was only bout 4 in there anyway)

Thanx's done now.. :D

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