Royal Mail??????

Flossy82 said:
our neighbour is a postman and he's done nothing since this strike (workwise)

Flossy hun,he's on strike ;)

If the union decide to strike, individuals who are members don't have a choice usually. In my job, when I signed up to the Union I hadto sign to say I agreed with that. Though the last strike was when I was on mat leave dammit. I am in full support of the posties, I wouldn't like to do their job and I hope they get it resolved soon.
u say u wouldnt like to do they job , but , they chose to do it ! u dont get forced to be a postie !

i agree , if royal mail are changing stuff without them knowing etc etc then action should be taken , but i dont agree with striking for wages , when u join , you know what the pay is !

i worked for b&Q a while back , was on hol , came back to my hours being ramaticall changed ! not like i could strike tho!

oh , and btw , i love my postie , his a a nutter and loverly , gives my doggy a treat every morning even if we havent got post !

im just worried ive done loads of ebay shopping , and i hope the sellers dont use it an en excuse for items 'lost in the post ' :roll:
G3M said:
u say u wouldnt like to do they job , but , they chose to do it ! u dont get forced to be a postie !

and I chose to do my job - I find that most job descriptions tend to gloss over the negative aspects of the job. I wasn't told that I would have the amount of pressures I have, the amount of travelling, the sheer volume of work which looks to increase etc etc. There has never been strike action over that but I doubt many people go into a new career with the full picture - otherwise I doubt there would be as many in jobs such a nursing etc etc. Its not as easy as just leaving, most people have mortgages etc and can't just walk out, plus I had to do two years training, I'm not just going to walk out without a fight. And if I was being asked to do more without changes to my wage I would most definately be annoyed, let alone if they were cutting my pay - which is what some of the discussions have been about.

Our strike action has been over many difrerent things, the latest threatened one was over the changes to the pension. Luckily our union resolved it but if they hadn't I would have been supportive of a strike.
Fingers crossed said:
Good for them. They're standing up for their rights, and if striking gets them their own way then that's great. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't actually get paid for being on strike, only whatever the union pays them. If only other industries and the whole country stuck up for what they believe in then we'd all be better off. If we were in France we would've set up road blocks and set fire to lorries to make our fuel cheaper, but cos we're British we just put up with it and get walked all over and say sod all.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

It shouldn't have to come to this but power to them for having the balls to stand up for it. I'd strike if it was for something i believed in!!
are the lazy gits on strike again today? ive had no post again today :think:
Fingers crossed said:
Good for them. They're standing up for their rights, and if striking gets them their own way then that's great.

what would you do if accident and emergency nurses and doctors striked to get their own way?

or midwives or doctors ???
here! here! :clap:
i dont think i agree with striking its like throwing your rattle out the pram to get your own way. i think there are more adult ways of dealing with disputes.
i did get post today so i am HAPPY! the tops ive been waiting for off ebay have eventually come and i dont look like a fat tramp anymore. :cheer:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly and they do actually get reasonable wages for what they do , if they dont like it then dont take the job or get a new one.

a good tip for royal mail management would be for them to cut down on all the junk mail that is being delivered , then actual post might just get delivered on time.

There are some good posties out there and they are the ones that suffer. but striking only puts the normal people with problems , just think how many businesses out there are losing money because of the strikes!?!? even people waiting for important letters?job applicants/benefit letters etc etc

i think if royal mail done their job properly in the first place they might get abit more support but striking is not the answer

sorry rant over :rotfl: :wave: :wave: :rotfl:
paradysso said:
a good tip for royal mail management would be for them to cut down on all the junk mail that is being delivered , then actual post might just get delivered on time.

I agree but I heard somewhere that it is the junk mail that keeps RM going!!

The Post Office/Royal Mail arent doing themselves any favours at the moment. I know they arent the same but they are seen as the same by the public. With the strikes/delays/post office closures they are going to lose customers fast. All it will take is for some one like Richard Branson to throw a bit of cash about and we we will have a new post service. Can you imagine- Virgin Post :rotfl: :rotfl:

Im not slating the workers by anymeans, I support their plight. Im talking about the companies themselves :talkhand:
paradysso said:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly and they do actually get reasonable wages for what they do , if they dont like it then dont take the job or get a new one.

a good tip for royal mail management would be for them to cut down on all the junk mail that is being delivered , then actual post might just get delivered on time.

There are some good posties out there and they are the ones that suffer. but striking only puts the normal people with problems , just think how many businesses out there are losing money because of the strikes!?!? even people waiting for important letters?job applicants/benefit letters etc etc

i think if royal mail done their job properly in the first place they might get abit more support but striking is not the answer

sorry rant over :rotfl: :wave: :wave: :rotfl:

good rant

royal mail workers are doing what the miners did. They are doing themselves out of a job through greed ...
paradysso said:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly ]

So take it you actually know 75% of all postmen then? Bit of a generalisation I think :roll:
jenni32 said:
paradysso said:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly ]

So take it you actually know 75% of all postmen then? Bit of a generalisation I think :roll:

i think thats a persoan lquestion :rotfl:

i know 4 :wink: :lol:
jenni32 said:
paradysso said:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly ]

So take it you actually know 75% of all postmen then? Bit of a generalisation I think :roll:

i was more steering towards 99% , but we have 4 different postmen and 3 of them are useless and 1 is good
paradysso said:
jenni32 said:
paradysso said:
75% of postmen at least are....lazy , rude and ignorant and have no respect for properties they deliver to , alot of them dont do their job properly ]

So take it you actually know 75% of all postmen then? Bit of a generalisation I think :roll:

i was more steering towards 99% , but we have 4 different postmen and 3 of them are useless and 1 is good

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well at least having 4 different postmen gives a girl a bit of variety even if there's only 1 who is any good!! Our postman is great :wink:
we got a woman :(

might complain i want a man to deliver our mail and he has to have his shirt off and b around 25-35. mut be fit :rotfl: doubt noone would deliver if i asked that :wall:

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