Royal Mail??????

jenna said:
For example, if the full time weekly pay shown is £246 and you work 20 hours per week, your basic weekly pay will be around £123 per week

I that it?? I get more than that a week & do less work than them & I get to sit in doors whatever the weather, whilst they're out doing out post for us!
laetitia85 said:
i have no idea...
all i know is that I'm waiting for the confirmation of my maternity allowance to come through. i need the money so badly and the letter is stuck somewhere just because they are striking!! :x

I am still waiting on mine too. I have been on mat leave now for 3 weeks with out the money. I am waiting on an important package too.
Its all peeing me off i havent had mail for over a week and im waiting on parcels aswell as the rent allowance the council pay us and im starting to get really peed off now our neighbour is a postman and he's done nothing since this strike (workwise) just lapping up thr free time he's getting :x
Good for them. They're standing up for their rights, and if striking gets them their own way then that's great. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they don't actually get paid for being on strike, only whatever the union pays them. If only other industries and the whole country stuck up for what they believe in then we'd all be better off. If we were in France we would've set up road blocks and set fire to lorries to make our fuel cheaper, but cos we're British we just put up with it and get walked all over and say sod all.
I've heard on my local radio that Royal mail go on strike again for a week from the 15th of october
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I've heard on my local radio that Royal mail go on strike again for a week from the 15th of october

Oh I hope not, Harrisons Birthday is on the 22nd so he would recieve and cards :(
I support them, its annoying I know cos I have my kits for pendants out in the post etc but my friend is a postman and they do have good reasons in my opinion.

It's also the union that tells them to strike, its not up to individuals.

They are striking one day a week until its resolved now.
I heard today that they may be strinking right up to Christmas, they have already got a huge backlog it's going to be mayhem :shock:

I hope my Father Christmas letter arrives for Jacob :D

I also heard that by the end of there first 48 hr strike there was already a backlog of 1 billion letters :shock:
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I've heard on my local radio that Royal mail go on strike again for a week from the 15th of october

what no way why do they go on strike on the day ive got parcels being delivered. like this monday just gone i was expecting a parcel and it was delivered on tuesday like day late. now im expecting a parcel on the 15th cause thats when it comes out so thats gonna be delayed getting here now. unless they dont use snail mail. hope they dont :)
I understand why they are doing it and im support of them. But im waiting for loads of post, and got loads of post coming off ebay and really need it.
I hope they dont strike again for a week.
My husband (Kev)works for them and so did I up until having Brody.
The strike isn't so much about pay, one of the main reasons is all the changes, for example, changing their hours/job on a day to day basis. That means not being able to plan anything out of work hours and would be a nightmare for childcare. Not so much for us as I'm not going back but for other parents who both work (which will be us in future) it's a pain in the bum!

Another reason is something to do with the pension system and also upping the retirement age.

The pay is one factor but not the main one! I have to admit, when we were both working there it was not so bad but now things are a bit tight -Kev brings home about £230 for 40 hours. Yes it's not a bad wage but it's not brilliant either!

Also it's not a case of just going in to work picking a bag of mail up and going out for a stroll to deliver it either! When I was working we sometimes had up to nine 16kg bags to deliver! I used to get shouted at by people for getting their mail too early/late I could never get it right! :roll: I used to have people chasing me for their mail, which we aren't allowed to give out, so some would get nasty!

Kev works in the office too dealing with the customers coming to pick their parcels up and gets no end of abuse too! He's been called all the names under the sun in there! All because people coming in to fetch their parcels and they are not back yet-when it states on the card to wait 24 hours! Sometimes it could be back early but it says 24 hours just to make sure! Also people getting angry when they are refused their parcel bacause they have no ID when it also says that on the card too!
I guess what I'm trying to say is the job isn't as brilliant as some people believe! It's the same with every job-nobody can know until they have done it themselves! That's why I'm never quick to slag offany company! We have had no end of problems with a couple of companies but I wouldn't be hasty to complain as we don't know what it's like at their end!

It is not all the workers' decision to strike but it seems it is them that gets all the grief from it! Kev simply can't afford to strike as they don't get paid for striking! He not only gets the grief for striking from the customers but also from the workers for working! He can't win!

At the end of the day Royal Mail are trying to make alot of changes and if I remember rightly nobody was happy with the last changes they made (causing everyones mail to be later).

I used to love the job! I didn't go for that job because I wasn't very 'bright' I went for it as I liked the idea of being out, meeting people and I loved the excercise! I didn't want to be at a desk! When we were delivering early, people used to be alot happier but things have been going downhill ever since they changed the start times to be honest! Now I'm glad to be out of it to be honest and I think Kev will be looking for something else soon too!

:oops: Sorry for the loooong post! :oops:
Just to add, the strikes will be one day at a time, one day a week up until christmas. Yes I'm annoyed too as there are parcels I'm waiting for too! :wall: :lol:
thanks for the long post i understand it a bit more :D

i support them but just wish they did not have to strike to get what they wanted!!
annem said:
thanks for the long post i understand it a bit more :D

i support them but just wish they did not have to strike to get what they wanted!!

Me too hun :hug: It's all very well making the people at the top suffer but as someone said, it's the customers who suffer too!
its a nightmare for every1 really! I feel for the people striking as losing wages before christmas can't be nice and i've also heard the bosses are evil when they return from a strike.

i've had no post for days now :( i'm waiting for some new shoes.
Im waitin for letters, millions of parcels and have still not seen the postman today.So looks like another day without post :( am getting really pissed off now
I got all our post yesterday. Even our local sorting office was open today, i went to pick up my parcel i missed yesterday :D
yea thanx to royal mail for leaving my parcel outside, in full view of passer buyers.

thanx to royal mail for delivering a parcel to our address and not reading the label as it was for somewhere else.

thanx again for royal mail for delivering one letter top our address lol any point :wall:

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