Is it worth booking a reassurance scan ?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2015
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Hey ladies so I am 5 weeks and 3 days and I thinking of booking a reassurance scan to put myself at ease. Is it worth booking one and at how many weeks would be a good idea ?

I would like to do it before the nhs 12 weeks one comes through as they can take time

Thank u in advance !
It is totally up to you and how anxious you feel?
I would wait until 7+ weeks though. Although I had an early scan which showed baby with heartbeat at 6+4.
personally i dont think early scans are a great idea. there is a reason the NHS scan is at 12 weeks. more often than not instead of reassurance they end up worrying people. having a scan earlier isnt going to tell very much- when baby is very small you might not be able to see very much- then that will create even more anxiety - and then the repeat scans needed etc- also if worst come to worst and it wasnt progressing as expected would you really want a private scan person informing you of that? I mean it depends on the person but i know NHs staff are professionally trained to give bad news and counsel you and offer further support, but who knows what youll get with a private provider.

Also no scans are 100%- it depends so much on where youre at /position/and the person doing the scan- there have been a lot of cases where on early scans ppl have been told there is no baby etc- only to find out later it was wrong

Its every individuals choice as to what to do but I would rather just pray and wait patiently for the 12 week scan - either way an early scan isn't going to change the outcome.
I had an early reassurance scan at 8 weeks and i totally recommend it. I had a mmc in Dec 2014 and that was picked up at an early private scan and the staff were lovely in telling me what i should do next etc
I would have driven myself mad this time if i hadnt had early scan as i was so worried the same would happen again.
I agree in that i'd wait till 8 weeks personally so u know u will see hb even if u are a but out with dates x
personally i dont think early scans are a great idea. there is a reason the NHS scan is at 12 weeks. more often than not instead of reassurance they end up worrying people. having a scan earlier isnt going to tell very much- when baby is very small you might not be able to see very much- then that will create even more anxiety - and then the repeat scans needed etc- also if worst come to worst and it wasnt progressing as expected would you really want a private scan person informing you of that? I mean it depends on the person but i know NHs staff are professionally trained to give bad news and counsel you and offer further support, but who knows what youll get with a private provider.

Also no scans are 100%- it depends so much on where youre at /position/and the person doing the scan- there have been a lot of cases where on early scans ppl have been told there is no baby etc- only to find out later it was wrong

Its every individuals choice as to what to do but I would rather just pray and wait patiently for the 12 week scan - either way an early scan isn't going to change the outcome.

I had a mmc 2 years ago and the NHS sonographer that told me my baby had no heartbeat certainly wasn't trained to counsel or give bad news! Yes there was a mw to offer support but he was terrible at breaking bad news and it was his unsympathetic words and tone that continued to go round in my head.

Private places as with any private health care are built on reputation and most offer an excellent service, after all you are paying for it.

I would always recommend an early scan if you can afford it. I waited until 8 weeks to get a clearer image and see a hb

I think I will go for it at 8/9 weeks and go ahead and book it .. don't think I can wait until 12 weeks
I had mine done today I thought I was 11 weeks today was showing slightly less she 10 and a bit days but also said likely this will catch back up with proper scan. it was amazing Such a strong heart beat and a proper little dancer in there wouldn't keep still for picture.Have nhs one now booked for 18th June. Would recommend life thru a lens which are based in Telford and Stoke on trent was only£45 got Cv of pics and a dvd and a print of scan included x
We have ours booked for next Saturday when I will be 8 weeks exactly going by my lmp. The place we are going don't do them before 8 weeks. I'm very anxious about it!
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oh I know the feeling everytime i get a cramp I am terrified but as its my first I feel as though I need some kind of reassurance I just hope it go well I have my midwife on the 16th so will book one after that . Let me know how it goes !
Ours is a clomid baby and I've had some quite bad cramps so I'm really worried about ectopic as apparently you have high chance of ectopic or multiple pregnancies with clomid. I have the midwife on Tuesday which is quite early as I'll only be 7+3.
oh I hope it all goes well for you!
I will also be 7 weeks when I have my first midwife appt

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