Booking in appointment/scan


Active Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well. :)

I'm currently 8+4 and have been waiting for the hospital to contact me for my booking in appointment (not giving birth in the same town where my doctors is based so all appointments going through Leeds hospital). The hospital phoned me this morning to book my downs screening appointment (is that the 12 week scan)? So when I was on the phone with her I said I haven't even had confirmation of my booking in appointment yet so she said 'ok well in that case we'll do your booking in appointment, downs screening and scan all in the same day' she has booked it for 3rd January so I'll be 13+2. Do you think that's a bit far away for my booking in appointment? And I thought they were suppose to ask me if I wanted downs screening not tell me?

Sorry but I'm confused - this is my first pregnancy and I'm totally unaware of processes.:wall2:

Thanks xx

P.S) I have an early scan today which I've booked privately for reassurance - work is draggggggggggggging........ roll on 4pm
hmmmm, I'm not 100%sure to be honest as it seems different areas work differently.

I know scanning (which can include the Down's screening if you want) is usually between 11-14 weeks so it is an ok time for that, but does sound a bit late for the booking in app.

I agree with you that the down's syndrome screen is meant to be optional.
Not sure to be honest. I live in leeds but had my appointments with midwife who asked where I wanted to have baby and then organised scans from there.

I've had my scans at LGI where are you going?

Does seem a bit late as generally at booking in appointment you go through all sorts with midwife including the options around testing your risk for downs (it isn't a an exact test for downs just a risk)
if you want your booking in appointment done sooner, just call them back up, its normally done from the time you find out, as with the scans etc yep shes book them for the right time. but as they have you on records anyway shoud you have any problems o worries you can just call the up and you will still be dealt with. id say just ring them and say you would like to arrange a booking in appointment for the next available date and not wait until your scan so you can go through any questions etc and you would feel happier with it that way

downs screening is optional, but they may work differently, the screening wont actually tell you if the baby has it, it will just give you a risk factor like 1 in 1000 or 10 in 10000000 chance kinda thing, then if you have a high risk they can offer you an amniocentisis test. the reasons for the testing is not to convince you to terminate or anything should ou have a high risk factor but they have consultants etc who specialise in the area who can offer adive, support etc on bringing up a downs child and discuss any worries or concerns etc and monitor the pregnancy xx
ps, with the downs testing all it is is when they do your bloods to test for other things they just take and extra bottle (just incase you wasnt sure what it was), but when they scan you they will do things like measure the gap at the back of the neck to see how much fluid is there to check for downs aswell
Thanks for all your speedy replies, it makes much more sense to me now!!!

Beckyboo - I'm also going to LGI!! I live on Leeds/Bradford boarder so I request LGI as both me & DH are Leeds babies and know the area so much better.

I feel fine about things and trust them to do any tests really - I'm open to anything with it being my first - but suppose I was kind of hoping for a pre-christmas scan so I could share my news :)

I know I'm going to be on here all the time asking you experts questions - can't even ask my mum cause I haven't told her yet.

Thanks again xx
Roxy still can't understand why you can't go to your docs/midwife an then just the hospital for your scans etc

You'll be seeing lots if your midwife on the coming weeks!!

I'm actually going to have baby at pinderfields (Wakefield) as it's easier for me to get to. Had scans at LGI as had only just moved to Leeds when I found out about pip so just had to pick somewhere to go. Midwife said you can change your mind.

Where abouts are you then. My sister used to live up that way x
It's strange cause when I went to docs to confirm pregnancy my GP said all my midwife appointments would be through the practice and I would only go to LGI for scans but then I got a letter a week later from the midwife at my practice and it basically said 'we are now sending you to the LGI for all appointments' - I presumed it was some lazy cow trying to make her list a patients smaller :lol:

I've not heard much about Pinderfields - has it got good reputation? I take everything I hear with a pinch of salt anyway cause everybody has a different experience don't they!!

I live around Drighlington/Tong area. xx
That is strange!! Wonder why that is? Maybe if they're really busy they sed you to hosp instead ?!!

Every area is so different. To be honest heard mixed stuff about everything and everywhere. Only reason were swapping to pinders is it's a lot easier to get to (we love near rothwell so south east Leeds) and it's brand new!

Last week took nearly hour to get to LGI in rush hour.

My experience so far is ignore everyone's labour/birth stories as everyone labour is different!!

(my sis lived at farsley nr big M&S) xx
in regards to the asking about the screening, when my scan informtaion come through i also had a consent form in there to take on the day... so it is optional whether or not u want it
Hi there,
Im also in Leeds, Wortley area! Im 8 weeks and will be going to LGI for my scan (i assume). Booking in appt is on 14th Dec but ive decided to call my docs today and try and get an appt for next week as waiting is driving me crazy! Ill love to have my scan before xmas too. Ive got so many xmas nights out coming up and stressing about. ppl noticing my lack of drinking... ive already quit smoking so people are getting suspicious already i think.

D. x
Another Leeds lady!!

LGI have been great with my scans. I'm getting excited for you both thinking about scans.

I was a bit cheeky with my scan date when it came through as it meant I would if been nearly 14 weeks so o rang and said I was in holiday and they brought it forward!!
the mid wife sorted all of im out on my 1st preg mint have changed
How did your scan go Roxy?!

I told a friend at work that at pregnant, thought it best that someone know. I also managed to get my booking in appointment moved to next Weds... yay... v. Excited. Hope that means my scan will at least be before New Year.

D. x

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