do they check the heartbeat at the booking appt?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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Quick q - has anyone had their midwife check for the babys heartbeat at their booking scan?
My appointment isn't for 2 weeks, but I'm really hoping they do for extra reassurance as my next scan isn't for 4 weeks. Otherwise I might be tempted to shell out for a doppler to listen to it myself.
Hi eightball,

Your experience might be different to mine, but they didn't listen to the h/beat at my booking scan as it's difficult to hear it at that stage (depends on your build, how the baby is lying etc - it gets easier the bigger the baby gets).

Remember, however, that you will SEE the heartbeat at the booking scan, pulsating away.

Valentine xxx
It is still pretty early to hear the heartbeat. My midwife didnt listen to mine till i was about 15 weeks and even then she said she still might not hear anything.
oops, yeah when I said booking scan I meant booking appointment - doh!
MY mw told me she would try listen for it at our next apt when I will be about 14 weeks. I had my booking in apt at 9 weeks so was a bit early to heart anything.
Yeah my midwife says she will listen to heart when I'm 15 weeks because its too early at mo xxxxx
i have not hread my babies heart beat at my app

but when i was 15 weeks.. i had some pink discharge.. so they checked my by u/s and i asked to hear the heart beat and she let me... it was pretty loud

so you might be able to

the Doppler i would not get now... you would have to be over 12 weeks and maybe even more... your babies heart is really small and it will just upset you...

i got one at 18 weeks... and even then she scared me because i couldn't find her heart beat

good luck hun :hug:

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