Is it normal to feel THIS tired?**1st post Updated** Went to docs

Hi princess, just read your update, thats good u got signed off, i'm thinking of going to my gp too this tiredness is horrendous and i'm not sleeping great either. Did u ask for your iron levels to be checked or are did they suggest it, i think thats what i need doing?
wow princess! u must be feeling very tired to be signed off for four weeks, but great news as now you and baby can have a good rest!!

hope the bloods go well, when will u get the results? x
Aw hun last coupke of days I have felt just like u! It is horrendous, all I do is cry cos I am so tired. :-(
That's good your getting plenty of time off to rest, just make sure you do! Hope you get more answers soon, maybe you are just very tired and in need of the rest x
I'm not sure if i'll take the whole 4 weeks I don't wanna feel like a fraud. I'm pregnant not sick and I should be able to work a full day/week just like everyone else has to.
The gestational diabetes test was negative thank goodness and they took blood this morning so I will get the results of that either tomorrow or Monday xx
Hi princess sorry your feeling rough at the moment but im glad the doc took you serious and sounds like bubs is doing great. Hope you feel better after a couple of weeks rest, take care xxx
oh you poor luv!!
good that dibeties came back negative, now make sure you get lots of R&R and OH takes good care of you! i know what youre saying about being "pregnant not sick" but right now you have to listen to what your body is telling you, so if your body is telling you to rest and sleep then that is what you've got to do! The LO is the priority remember, so take this opportunity to get your strength back!:night:
Hope things perk up for you hun Xx:hugs:
Glad your gtt came back normal :) mine did too its such a relief isn't it!!! Try and rest while your signed off and hopefully you will start to feel better xx
Thanks girlies, you've made me feel much better about it all :) I was starting to feel like a right whinger which isn't like me at all, although as you can see from the time of this post i'm starting to slip back into my nocturnal habits :eh:
i've been really exhausted throughout my pregnancy, i often take naps and end up falling asleep on the couch. Could deffo be your iron levels hun, i had bloods taken about 6 weeks ago and it came back aneamia, so on iron tablets now.

I'm like a rattling box just now with my iron tablets, pregnacare tablets and tablets for a urine infection :lol: "the joys!"

It will be good for you to get some rest and be able to sleep when your body wants to and not have to stress about getting into work. Hope you feel better soon x x
Up until about 21-22 weeks I was sleeping all the time. Nothing I did could shake how tired i fetl!! I'd be falling asleep at work, and sleeping the second I got in the door! It's eased off now, and I don't feel as tired, but starting to feel more physically tired if you know what I mean x

I have a prescription for iron tablets to pick up today, too scared to take them though or am gonna end up mega constipated :blush: xx
lol yeh I've been warned about that. Drink loads of water and eat lots of fruite (esp prunes) to try to combat that lol x
My tiredness is getting worse and worse and worse, too, although my iron levels are fine and all the other nasty symptoms have fizzled out by now. Remember this from my last two pregnancies, though, where the tiredness unfortunately never left me at all. Good preparation for the sleepless nights to come, at least! Great thing that you got signed off work for a while! My work haven't been very accommodating so far, but I'm hoping that once I've got my risk assessment (sometime in the next few weeks, hopefully) I'll be taken off night shifts. Not that it's very likely - but a girl can dream, can't she...
Hi, I just wondering if someone could tell me more about this 'Lighter Duties'? What does it involve and how do you get yourself on lighter duties, do you need a note from the doctor? I currently work in a very busy retail environment and unfortunatly am not feeling too much better in my second trimester either. My manager won't provide me with a chair and has told me he won't be making ANY exceptions for me because i'm pregnant.
If someone could give me more info that would be great :)

Hope everyone's second trimester's are going well :D
Glad doc has given u some time off to rest hon - enjoy it and hope it helps x x x
Well my job is a high risk one and really really shouldn't be done by a pregnant woman so as soon as I declared myself pregnant my managers had to perform a risk assessment and I was removed from
My normal duties and put in an office - nothing to do with docs I didn't need a note x

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