Is it just me?

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Or is anyone else's toddler driving them crazy at the moment? We're TTC number 2 right now, and Naomi has me stressed out! We can't put her in the playpen or she screams the place down, we can't leave her in the high chair for a moment longer than her meal lasts or she's doing that high pitched screaming, the same in the car seat. I'm beginning to wonder if #2 would be a good idea?

Sometimes she just goes around the place doing everything you don't want her to do - like bashing the TV screen with her blocks or pulling at the books on the bookcase. She's just heedless. She used to come when she was called, she doesn't even do that any more.

I am ashamed to say that I saw red today and smacked her in anger - something I swore I would never do. I was so ashamed that I came home and basically bawled my eyes out to OH. Poor kid. She didn't get a hard smack, but she must be wondering why Mom was so cross.

Is ANYONE in the same boat here? I feel like a bad Mom. Only an ogre would smack her kiddie in anger. Naomi will end up just like me, only able to use violence to respond to stressful situations.

hun some days Braydon drives me so crazy and he is so naughty
i have set him up a naugthy cusion and wenever he is bad he has to sit on it for 1 min takes a long time getting him to sit there but every time i put more anger into myu voice (does that make sence) and its starting to get thro to him wen he is bad worth a try
but honestly its not just u who feels like shes going crazy i do to
I'm going through the same thing with Aimee and its driving me mad. Now I remember why I let a 5 year gap after I had Jess. Aimee has had her hand smacked a couple of times, I just couldn't help it. I try not to smack her usually but sometimes she drives you to it. :oops:
Maddie was doing that squealy thing in town the other day - it was really bizarre and to be honest I didn't really know what to do - I felt quite embarrased. In the end I left town and went home because I was thirsty and wanted to stop for a coffee but I knew she'd carry on.

So I failed miserably in disciplining my child and can't really offer any advice. I suppose if it had happened at home I would have told her firmly to stop it otherwise she wouldn't have whatever treat I had for her (raisins or whatever). Being in town I didn't know what to do!

Sounds like they all go through it - don't let it put you off TTC for number 2.

Sarah - I'm interested in your naughty cushion idea - I thought they'd be too young for that but I might give this a try.

I smack Ewans hand if he is very naughty and we also have a little seat that we make him sit on if he is naughty - he seems to respond better to that than smacking.
i am the same hun hannah drives me to distrction some days and i am sure she does things just to wind me up


Sounds like were all having the same reactions :? its got to be normal at thier age to try andtest us, i too have wondered whyi wanted another one and fear it will only get worse when LO arrives.
Hangin their hun you not a bad mommy :hug:
:( Sat here in tears as my little girl screams and goes on like something out of the exorcist upstairs, just because she's been put to bed. I wouldn't mind but she's been up and had the cuddles and attention because she had teething pain earlier but she's worked herself up into a right state now.

I feel a heel for doing this to her and hearing her scream till she retches but I will not be her soother. She needs to learn to go to bed when it's time. It's just so hard. It doesn't seem to bother OH at all.

I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry earlier as OH brought her back up to bed and she was screaming "mammy, mammy!" and reaching out to me. She is such a little drama queen. And yet, she'll turn into a monster if I let her away with this.

Feeling like a big monster but doing this to be kind.

:( Sue
awww hun :hug: im sure it will all get better in good time
Kiyanna was anightmare i couldnt leave her 4 a second even if she was with someone that she knew e.g my mom. she wouldnt sleep on her own, would hit other children if they had anything of hers etc so she had a nawty step ( sound like supernanny) and she responded well to that. i do the same with Elise now and will surely do the same with #3
hope things get better
x sophie x
:D A great deal better tonight. We reinstated the bottle routine for a while. She was really well behaved all evening and at her bedtime had her usual 7 oz of formula (going to wean her off it instead of cutting it sudddenly) and fell asleep in my arms. Has gone off to sleep upstairs, only crying for about 10 mins on and off when she remembered too. She's tired, I guess.

Thanks for all the support. Feel much better myself now.


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