is it healthy to diet while your pregnant?


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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ok.. now i can imagine the replies im gonna get here.. but here goes..

im not that healthy an eatter.. and its starting to worry me..i already am huge and feel horrible..

so i figure if i eat a diet diet.. a healthy one obviously it wouldnt be bad for us.. would it? something like slimming world or something along those lines?

anyone got any ideas?

its hard coz ive got bad cravings.. but i really wanna try..
As long as you eat a healty diet you will be okay. Your midwife should be able to point you in the right direction with regards to what kind of things to avoid.
Just dont skip meals or anything, you know yourself and trust me, you need to eat to have any energy. Get a weetaxbix down you girl.
i know that you can join weight watchers wen ur pregnant.. they just give u a few extra points so u dont start losing weight ridiculously. its also really healthy xx
i havent been eatting that badly.. ive had a curry here and there. and the other day ok.. i was bad i had a kfc.. but i only had cereal and that.. all day but then i still felt huge bloated and full.. kinda like when you eat to much pasta.. i feel like that every night.. i feel like i felt when i was about 30 wks preg..just stuffed to the max..

ive been quite bad today..

i had a bowl of rasin wheats - they r lovely..
a pot noodle just had to have it.. half a sandwich and a pack of crisps..
and a rissol and a pack of quavers..

and i just feel utterly stuffed.. i hate it

most days i have 3-4 peices of fruit a meal and a snack.. i feel massive.. i hate it.. coz im only 8 weeks gone..i wasnt expecting to feel liek this untill i was about 20 weeks gone..
I know slimming world is midwife approved so you can join them in keeping on a healthy eating plan - thats how ive kept my flab off!
I have just started the no count plan from weight watchers, it basically promotes very healthy eating, and you can eat as much as you like of the good stuff so I figure it has to be good for baby. I never liked it before because I used up all my extra points on wine and beer and had none left for treats :moon: , but now the wine and beer is not much of an option its much easier :dance: . I am also giving up all sweets, crisps, chocolate and ice cream for one week - to lesson cravings (wanna join me???) its going to tough but I figure it will be worth it. We will enjoy these nine months!!!

Take Care and dont be hard on yourself


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