is fed up.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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hiya guys, finally got my computer back so i can finally be a little more up to date with all my threads ect. i finally had enough last night i;ve found out that the best friend is now pregnant, i'm sick and tired of waiting. waiting for the bloody tests and i'm sick of trying, told hubby that i feel like just giving up because i never throught it would take this long to get pregnant, i feel like everyone is rubbin it in my face.

think i might just give up on the idea all together, because i've been waiting so long for a baby and i'm never ever going to have one. it just seems that everytime we get over one obsticle another 3 pop up (if any of you didnt know i came off the pill in september last year and had 5 normal cycles - thought to myself then i can finally start trying and then hubby's got fluid on his testicles and i havent had a period since march just fed up now and i'm getting impatient)

does anyone else feel like this?? :wall2::wall2::wall2:
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Darling, we all get frustrated and feel low and blue. Many of the ladies on here including me have the days when we feel like giving up! Dont! Try and take some pressure off yourself (easier said than done I know). You have had some very stressful months but you need to keep trying asas you know .... it only takes one!! We are all here for you, we will listen to your grumbles and be your shoulder when you need to cry! I have discovered that the ladies on here can make you smile equally as much! Just know that we are here to support you. Use us.... we dont mind! mwah to you xxx
Hi hun, I feel fed up all the time. Friends getting pregnant is just the worse thing. I am avoiding so many friends right now!
Chin up hun, it will happen, and it will be amaxing when in does. Don't be defeted. xxxx big hugs
I too get really fed up. Everyone round me getting pregnant and having babies really doesn't help. The only baby I can truly connect to and not feel sad is my gorgeous wee nephew. :-)

I keep telling myself it'll happen when the time is right but today that isn't helping at all.
i feel the same all the time chuck i have friends on facebook who are pregnant friends i see who are pregnant where ever we go there are pregnant women it does seem like its being rubbed in your face when it isnt at all but the rational part of your brain seems to bugger off on holiday sometimes lol dont feel too defeated we all feel like this sometimes it will happen for you soon xxxxxxxxx
Bless you, try to keep your head up. It is very hard and so frustrating. We all hope we will be that lucky one who falls straight away and we all feel the same as you. Ttc seems like such hard work when really we should try to let nature take it's course. I know nothing any of us says is going to make you feel better and it's always in the back of your mind but just know that we are always here to listen. Big hugs to you and if it helps go scoff a load of chocolate, that's what I'm doing at this very minute. Lol
thanks girlies i've just been trying for so long amd i'm sick of feeling like i've myself and my partner down because this should be the easiest thing in the world and it's the most frustrating thing i've ever had to do in my life.

i just want my family to begin- ever since i got married i bet every person who i've spoken to has said well when are the kids coming along andf ive been like well we're trying but nothing seems to be working at the moment.
Just browsed through your story , Sorry to hear that all this is stressing you out!

Im on my first week of TTC.
Fingers crossed you get what you want x
Hun its good that your blowing off steam on here (Better out then in). We are all here to support you. Wishing you loads of baby dust, but until then enjoy every moment with your hubby xxx
thanks guys at the moment i'm just sick of being poked and prodded and the doctors not knowing what is wrong with me i'm sick of doing opk's (they think that even though i havent had a period i may still be ovulating, and it's costing me a fortune, the people on ebay love me!! lol)

i tired of feeling like the bad guy in our family, because i'm jealous of my sister in law and every time we have lunch together the conversation always turns to her pregnancy and they are all making a fuss of her and i feel like i cant join in because if i do i'm gonna say something nasty and be horrible to her and she'll never forgive me. before hanna got pregnant she was the only one i could talk to because she felt the same was as me and now i feel like i cant talk to anyone because all of my other friends are either too young or have children of their own.

OH is trying to understand what is going on with me but i can't explain it to him i've waited so long to start trying for a baby and now my chance has come i'm the one with the problem. it just seems that i take two steps forward and get knocked 4 steps back. i'm afriad of feeling depressed as i know doctors will put me back on anti depressants and i know i'm gonna get addictcted to the again and it's the last thing i want.

the thing that made me laugh yesterday was that even the nurse who took my second lot of blood tests said well she couldnt see how i could start trying for a baby if even the doctors didnt know what is wrong with me and they're suposed to be the experts???
Ahh hun it sounds like your having a really bad time of it. I cant say anything to make you feel better and I see you've been trying for a while but you will get there in the end and then it will all be worth it. Just keep pushing the doctors - have they referred you to a fertility specialist??

Hang in there - you will get your BFP before you know it x
Ahh hun it sounds like your having a really bad time of it. I cant say anything to make you feel better and I see you've been trying for a while but you will get there in the end and then it will all be worth it. Just keep pushing the doctors - have they referred you to a fertility specialist??

Hang in there - you will get your BFP before you know it x

nope i've had two lots of blood tests and they're sending me for an ultrasound scan but thats whenever the hospital get around to sending me the bloody letter even the nurse said when i had my blood tests that how can i actively try for a baby if i havent had a period i was due on again today and still nothing! just dont know what to do
:( you poor sausage you :( i feel for you hunni xx
My partner and i have been trying for 6 months now after losing our first and he had a op on his ... lets say man hood... and is now infacted, so every time we do it it hurts him ... obviously not what either or us want !! i cam off the pill 1st jan (2011), and just getting fed up with trying and getting nothing, every period has been normal and regular, before the most recent period i had every symptom going (read other posts from me to see) and then after 7 days of beign late, there was aunt flow ... unfortuantly, then all my friends say maybe its gods way of saying not yet ... bu they dont understand the pain every time you come on because they arent trying for a fmaily something ive longed for for years, do you think the pill is still effecting your body ?? my partner thinks that about me and is there anything we can do to make it stop ...... ?? i hope your ok and no everyone here is always there for you xxx
then all my friends say maybe its gods way of saying not yet ... bu they dont understand the pain every time you come on because they arent trying for a fmaily something ive longed for for years, do you think the pill is still effecting your body ?? my partner thinks that about me and is there anything we can do to make it stop ...... ?? i hope your ok and no everyone here is always there for you xxx

i know that feeling, but i asked the doctor whether or not it might of been the pill (i've since come after posting this thread) but they said that it only takes 6 motnhs to come out of your system. so i give up!! lol
oh really ? they told me 6 months to a year !! think the docs no as much as us to be honest with you, surely theres fruit or drink or something which helps get it our lol !! hope your feeling better today ?? x
my cycles didn't settle into anything remotely normal for over 2 years after coming off the pill...
Oh right, well i think that mine are normal they are every 4 weeks give or take a day or so x

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