I thought the whole program was a journey through Cherry's guilt.
I felt it didn't show breastfeeding in a positive light at all. It was labelled 'creepy' that you're a 'slag' if you get your boobs out and it's going to feel like you're being stabbed.
Where were the scientific facts about the antibodies/nutrients etc? That wasn't explored at all in depth and I felt was skirted over "it's amazing" she kept saying but she didn't fully explain just why it was.
The best thing to come out of the programme was the stuff about the support groups but to be honest after seeing a bloody cracked and blistered nipple why would you bother in the first place? My advice to all you mums to be would be to get antenatal education about breastfeeding before your baby comes along. Find your support group and go along when you're on your maternity leave. Speak to other breastfeeding mums, watch them feed, learn all about postitioning and attachment BEFORE and where possible take your other half as they're the ones who can see if you and baby are positioned correctly. This was a godsend for me at 3am feeds - my husband could see when he wasn't latched properly.
As for milk banks, I have donated my breastmilk since Blake was 5 days old. I am screened every 3 months via blood tests and I took a lifestyle analysis with the people from the milk bank before. I adhere to the strictest hygiene practices and the milk is expressed into pre-sterilised bottles and frozen immediately. My milk isn't just given to babies straight off, it is pasteurised first and goes through rigorous testing before being given to any baby. As she said on the programme, some babies cannot have formula when so young so sometimes it is a matter of life and death. Although I didn't realise the milk goes for £100 a litre! I've given away £2,000 worth so far and have another £500 in the freezer right now! Wouldn't change a thing though, makes me very proud that I do it.
Anyone worried about breastfeeding, please don't go off that programme. I love cherry healey but felt it was somewhat irresponsible.