Is anyone else feeling shit?


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2014
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Apologies for the moan, as I know everyone has their own problems, but I'm feeling really shit at the moment. I feel really down, and depressed. :(

It upsets me that I'm getting zero sleep, people being thick and mispronouncing my boy's name, etc. i feel rubbish about not being in work, I've worked since I was 15, and finding it hard to just be at home. I also have no job to go back to so feel quite insecure. Due to the 3rd degree tear, I'm not allowed to exercise until I have my 8 week check up. Just thinking about this makes me want to cry. I know lifting some weights will make me feel so much better!

I know a lot of this is influenced by tiredness, but I just feel so rubbish :( I hate being like this, so tearful all the time!

Just not sure whether this is normal??? I mentioned to my health visitor that I have been feeling quite anxious, and she just handed me a leaflet for post natal depression!!! Should I be looking to speak to someone? Just don't know.

Sorry for the rant... The only thing that makes me feel better is my little boy! x
Everything your feeling sounds completely justified tbh hun. If your worried though then I would speak to your gp hun they will give you a postnatal depression questionaire. Lack of sleep makes me feel emotional at times. 8 weeks will fly by I promise though hun. I also get a little stir crazy if I'm home all the time too and I myself am missing work, it's the normality of things I think. I find going for a short trip out the house helps me whether it's a walk down the road to the shops or what not. I hope you feel better soon though chick xxx
Hiya, all sounds quite normal to me to be honest! Felt this way with both of mine - not as much with the second maybe because I knew what to expect. It won't last long and it's all part of the process of adjusting to life with a baby. Obviously if it carries on for a while and you're really struggling then go have a chat with the health visitor or GP but don't worry about it. Hope this helps.x
I think a certain amount of 'baby blues' is normal, but you need to decide if it's more than normal and that's the hard part. The lack of sleep is so draining, but I think the fact that you would like to exercise is reassuring. The best point of contact would be your GP, even if you just want to go and have a moan to get it off your chest. My HV told me today that its perfectly acceptable to use an emergency appointment for this too.

Being a new mum is so hard, but you don't need to suffer quietly. I can also confidently tell you that it really does get easier xxx
Going from working and being independent to having a baby is a completely life changing experience. I think most new mums find it really hard going from having an established routine where you can do what you like at the drop of a hat, to having to do everything with this little person in tow. Even I've found it tough getting back into the swing of it and my eldest is only two!!

It's frustrating when you just want to get back to normal, I had a c-section with both pregnancies and it was especially hard after my first which was an emergency. I wasn't prepared for how long it would take to get back on my feet. This time it was a planned section and I knew it would be a while until I physically up to everything.

I had pnd after my first baby and it is only really now I've had my second I can see just how ill I was at the time. The thing that drove me to get help was when I realised I was afraid of leaving the house. I think my son was about 8/9 weeks. I went to the GP who gave me anti depressentsaand iI eventually also arranged for private counselling through work too. It's hard when you're in the thick of it to judge if it's just a passing phase or something more serious. I have my own warning signs I look out for, like not sleeping even when I'm exhausted, and the fear of going out. If you Google Edinburgh questionaire, it is the list of questions they give you at the doctors to assess how you're feeling. Maybe this can happen you judge how you're feeling.

It does get easier and better though, it's not this hard forever!
If it's sadness you can't seem to lift, that's likely to be depression, and I'd make a GP appointment. If it's just feeling rubbish on and off when you're tired, that's normal. It's tough not feeling yourself, not being able to do what you'd normally do physically, as well as adjusting to include a new baby.

I haven't had an hour to myself in 11 days because of recovering from my c-section. I'd love to just be able to take the dog for a walk, or do the food shop. I'm jealous of my hubby doing those things. But cuddling my little man really makes me smile. And the frustration I feel at not being able to do normal stuff passes fairly quickly.
Bigbee how many days ago did you give birth?
With both my babies I suffered with a server hormone crash/ baby blues. I couldn't eat, cuyldnt sleep when baby slept, didn't get dressed and basically spent all day crying thinking I couldn't cope and I couldn't handle a newborn baby. I felt anxious and worried about everything which physically drained the air from my chest when I thought abut anything that was causing me worry.
Then it got to day 12 and I woke up feeling like me again! Seriously all the suffering and distress and unhappiness just lifted and I've been loving life since!
Hang in there, don't get hing up about post natal depresion, it's way too early to worry abut something like that just give yourself a bit longer and it could all just lift in an instant when your hormones balance x
Thank you for the support, ladies. I am definitely putting it down to tiredness. Just feel knackered and down. It is definitely on and off. Feel a bit happier today as will have my partner with us at the weekend, which means I will have a bit more support during the night.

Jessie, baby boy is two weeks old today.
I find that my feelings of shitness will ebb and flow. Every few weeks I have a day or two of feeling crap (usually related to lack of sleep)

As others say only you can decide if these feelings are something you need some outside help with?

There is something could the Edinburgh test [or Edinburgh quiz] and its used to indicate PND so it may be worthwhile having a Google and doing the test.

I don't recall having any particular down feelings in the early days with either baby but I've definitely had the feelings for describe at certain points.


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