Feeling lost :(

You are far from pathetic and should not honk that. From what you've said you have every right to feel like that and want to go.

You have to do what is best for you and Ella and what ever needs to be done to be happy.

We are all here for you. xx

Definatly not pathetic hun, if he's making your life hell then it isn't worth staying. Xx
oh no im so sorry you're feeling like this!! i think weve all had times when we have a mini breakadown and think we cant do it anymore, ive had days where i think- no thats it im just gonna go - go where i have no idea but thats how i felt at the time.

you need to be in a happy loving relationship for Ella, not just any relationship. you will do better by her if you get out of an unhappy place. but that being said, i know how hard it is to be on your own.

you deserve to be treated well, if he isnt gonna treat you like that then you should get out now. PM me if you wanna chat, dont feel pathetic for posting this, thats what we're all here for!

Like everyone else has said: you are not pathetic at all. It sounds as if you're in a really difficult position, no wonder you feel stressed and trapped. Thing to bear in mind is that you aren't actually, literally trapped though. If you decide that it would be best for you and your LO to leave, then that's what you need to do (or get your partner to leave). I don't want to make this sound easier than it will undoubtedly be, all I mean is that you are not trapped in this situation, you can get out of it if that is what you want! Hope you feel better soon! :hugs:
First off get rid of him! You and Ella are gorgeous and dont deserve any crap in your lives and fully deserve to have someone else in your lives that respects and adores you both.

You've already done so much on your own and you seemed a lot happier before he decided to come back. I know you're strong enough to do whats best for the both of you xxxxxxxxxx
Thankyou so much for the replies girls. I'm not being rude by not replying I'm just sortin a few things then I'll Pop back on later x thanks again x
Thankyou so much for the replies girls. I'm not being rude by not replying I'm just sortin a few things then I'll Pop back on later x thanks again x

hope your ok hun xx
Aw hun im so sorry your going thro this, it was such a hard decision for you to take OH back (I remember you weren't sure for ages) I would expect him to be trying a bit harder tbh.

With regards to him accusing you, this is common when the person has cheated, they get it into their heads that you will do the same or that if the temptation ever came, you would think...why not, he did! He'll have that in his head constantly because of what he's did, he could possibly be feeling immense feelings of guilt on top of that. My ex cheated on me & we got back, so I know about all the arguing & stuff. Plus I was never allowed to bring it up at all or he'd storm off, its so difficult.

I think you really need to have a good long chat with OH, tell him your ready for walking. I know you didn't want ur Oh to see you crying but sometimes you just need to let them, so they can witness it & think about it more.

Hope today is a better day for you & hope you get on ok at the doc's

I haven't read any of the other posts as I've got a whingy child here but I just wanted to say I've felt like this loads and wanted to run away, felt like it last night actually, wanted to take my little bump off for a bit and just run out the house and be free for a bit.

Motherhood is a lonely job sometimes and can get you down, massive hugs hun xxx
I didn't end up going anywhere I just sat on the stairs crying like a muppet until Ella woke up at 3am and decided not to go back to sleep, i'm sure she can sense when something isn't right.

Kirsty, You're right it's a very lonely job, I think I've let everything get on top of me. He broke it to me this morning that he is going on a 4 night stag night in Portugal at the end of the month which he has paid for... couldn't afford to give me money to buy stair gates though! He is quite possibly the most selfish person ever! How is it ok for him to act single when it suits him?

I just feel like I'm constantly alone if i'm not with my mum i'm on my own, nobody is interested in just being a friend anymore!

I know all mums must feel like I do, I guess I just lost my head a little bit last night.

He's text me and said he is staying out of my way because he's guessing I'm on my period!!! grrr!!!! still hasnt come home since 8am this morn and ella is now in bed so he wont see her today...nice one daddy!!

We have only been back together for about a month and already we are having issues, I need to decide whether or not this is even worth trying to fix.

thank you for all of the replies it means a lot to know I'm not the only one feeling like this xxx
Oh hun, I'm so sorry he is being such an idiot. You deserve so much more than this. He's definitely not acting how a father/loving partner should.

I wonder how he would feel if you went on a 4 day hen weekend, he is being very selfish especially when you need things for Ella.

I know it would be hard but I think you would be better off without him as he just isn't treating you right, you've done it before and you can do it again. You're so strong, sending you a hug :hugs:
Yeah exactly, he wouldn't like it. But for some reason it's ok for him to have booked it and arranged everything without even telling me!

I want it to work I really do but he isn't making it easy for me.

He has come in, grabbed a can and gone to bed in the spare room again! We have only just started sharing a bed again and now he is obviously trying to prove some kind of point!
I'm sorry sweetheart but the bloke sounds like an utter wanker. My SIL is going through something similar. You can do so much better than him chick, he's destroying your confidence which is emotional abuse and if he can do it to you he can do it to Ella when she is older. I would kick him out now whilst she is too young to remember it. You've done all you can to make it work and can hold your head up high.

:hug: xxxxxxxxxx
I know your right and if I was the one giving advice id be saying the same but it's different when your in the middle of it all isn't it? :(

Hopefully it will sort itself out soon xx

Your such a lovely person, don't let him walk all over you xxx

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