Is AF gonna come or not??


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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Don't know what to think anymore :(

Had mirena out on 4th Nov, was due on 3rd Nov as per my normal cycle, but hadn't had af for a few months coz of coil. So when coil came out I had what I thought was af, quite heavy, lasted a few days. I assumed my cycle will still be 27 days, which meant af was due 29th/30th. Still no af, have done a few hpt's, one FR and one dip hpt on 1st Dec, both negative, got some more cheap sticks today and did one an hour ago, still completely negative! No visible line atall :( have convinced myself that I am pregnant too. Had backache the last couple of days, tender nipples on and off. Just don't know what to think?? Today is day 30/31. Last time I had coil out to ttc, my cycles varied for about 6 months from 27 to 32 days. I know its not quite as long as that yet, but just want witch to come if she's gonna and stop this nonsense!! Really frustrated!! :( x x
Sorry you're going through this hun, must be so frustrating. I had a 46 day cycle with my last AF which was completely out of the ordinary for me, and its so frustrating waiting for 1 or the other.
I know its no help, but you just have to wait. If its abnormally late, call your doc and ask for a blood test.

Good luck hun

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Thanks jayjay :) I know, I don't like waiting at the best of times lol. Just wondered if anyone been through anything similar and ended up pregnant, I know its not likely :( x x
Well my unusually long cycle happened the month before I conceived, and I read on here the same thing happened to someone else, can't remember who though.
Fx hun, you never know :) x

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Oh really :) well fx'd then. Gonna DTD every other day all the time, so hopefully will definately catch an egg at some point :) x x
Well I just found a site called net doctor, that says

"Some women experience a brief rather sharp type of abdominal pain when they ovulate, usually on one or other side.
This occurs mid-cycle, roughly 14 days before the next period begins, and is referred to medically as Mittelschmerz.
It happens when the egg bursts through the wall of the ovary and is released. This phenomenon usually occurs in younger women and tends to become less common as the years go by and after pregnancies. "

So it appears that I may have ovulated on CD20 hence my cycle would be about 32-34 days long, so af should be due in the next couple of day :smile: I really hope that this is the case, as it has been driving me mad trying to figure out what's going on x x
Hi hun,
sorry to hear you are frustrated. I know the feeling, im on CD58 and having negative hpt's etc but no af.

I was on the pill so not sure about the coil but im here for support if you need me. we can go through the slog together lol xxx
Hi hun,
sorry to hear you are frustrated. I know the feeling, im on CD58 and having negative hpt's etc but no af.

I was on the pill so not sure about the coil but im here for support if you need me. we can go through the slog together lol xxx

Aw thanks hun :) much appreciated. Hope something happens for you soon, I'm just trying to chill and see what happens now x x
best way to be hun though easier said than done i know lol....good luck though hun kep positive xx
Temp dropped from 36.6 yesterday to 36.3, so think the witch may be on her way :( at least something is going to happen anyway and will be able to have a drink at my birthday meal on thursday :) x x
its my birthday on saturday so im kinda hoping af comes before then so i can have a couple of drinks, havent drank since starting ttc in july xx
its my birthday on saturday so im kinda hoping af comes before then so i can have a couple of drinks, havent drank since starting ttc in july xx

You'll prob get ur bfp now lol, u've been very good not drinking atall all that time, well done you :) if af does come then u definately deserve a couple of drinks for ur birthday hun. I think af is going to come today, my temp dropped again this morning to 36.0! The only thing I'm that's kinda bugging me is that if af comes today, then my next ovulation will be somewhere between 19th and 26th December, so no drinking at xmas!! All because its all late thie month! Pants! Where as if it had all happened when it was supposed to then I would have known by then either way, oh and just realised new year is prob out too!

I know I'm ttc, I wouldn't mind if I was pregnant but not knowing and not being able to have a couple of drinks sucks! And then I'll prob turn out not to be anyway! Lol sorry for the rant :) I'm not an addict or anything lol x x
lol i know wot u mean....god knows if af is gonna show for me at all this month lol...i keep getting cramps so think yay new cycle gonna start then nothing...body loves playing tricks on me!

well judging from ur other thread saying ur af has arrived crack open a bottle of wine and have a drink for me lol

in all honesty tho i havent really been a bit drinker for a few yrs since haing really bad ibs, so i dont miss it, last time i had a drink was my wedding day on 8th july this year lol then we tried ttc straight after honeymoon, but the time has flown by! cant believe wev been ttc just iver 4 months already xx
lol i know wot u mean....god knows if af is gonna show for me at all this month lol...i keep getting cramps so think yay new cycle gonna start then nothing...body loves playing tricks on me!

well judging from ur other thread saying ur af has arrived crack open a bottle of wine and have a drink for me lol

in all honesty tho i havent really been a bit drinker for a few yrs since haing really bad ibs, so i dont miss it, last time i had a drink was my wedding day on 8th july this year lol then we tried ttc straight after honeymoon, but the time has flown by! cant believe wev been ttc just iver 4 months already xx

Have u been to doc hun? There must be something that can be done. Someone on here was taslking about a pill they can give u to make af come.

I'm not that big a drinker lol, normally just a couple of glasses of wine at the weekend, abit more xmas and new year tho :whistle:

Really hope af comes soon hun :hugs: x x

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