introducing solids


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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I know its not feeding section but hey Ho I know a fee faces in here...

So how do you do it? Charlie may have inherited a gluten allergy (rick and most of in his family are coeliac) so I have to use Heinz powder, but I've got this fruity porridge, broccoli and cheese, Mediterranean get qnd rice, and creamy porridge boxes currently just started today giving him a breakfast 1 at his 11am feed halfway through his bottle so he's jot starving but has some leftover as he will be thirsty, then he has a dinner 1 anytime between 3 and 5 and if he has drank all his kilk he has water or water with squeezed orange drops in (dont think he liked it though) so is this okay? He's been waling up in the night loads and not settling, doesnt seem to want his milk and from about 3 months watches me and Rick eat like a hawk lol...rirnt wanna ask the hv as shed moan about him jot quite being 6 konths but tbh its only 3 weeks away and anything tor a quiet life lol...he still wakes up for a feed in the night, drinks between 6 and 8 oz I. The day (collectively has 5 feeds over 24hrs) I'm hoping je will sleep through eventually so I can get a good nights sleep lol x
Sounds like you have the same food I have for Jake, I started weaning Jake at 4 months as he used to spit up so much of his milk all the time that he just wasn't getting enough, I give Jake a 6oz bottle in the morning at 8am and then fruity porridge or a banana one (2 teaspoonfuls) at 11am and bottles for the rest of the day when I first started, he is 5 months tomorrow so I also give him dinner around 5pm and he has been doing really well with the 2 meals and 4 bottles of milk a day.

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