Waking up through night now on solids???


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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Finley was sleeping through from 9pm til about 5am and then having a bottle and going back to sleep

now hes on solids hes waking up twice a night, seems to be refusing milk and just wants food, ive tried cutting his meals out so he drinks his milk but it aint working???

He goes to bed at 9pm and will now wake up at 2am and have 5oz and then 5am and has 5oz, hes probably only having 4x 5oz bottles a day now

Any suggestions? i was giving him baby porridge at 8pm before his last bottle but even that aint doing anything???

surely he cant be THAT hungry??? :shock:
i found this too. as soon as solids were introduced then the whole night time thing went out the window. sometimes solids can upset a baby not settle them .

you'll have to sit it through. it may be totally unrelated. i also found that mine started waking at night when they leant new thins like sitting up, rolling over/ crawling/walking etc. its as if they neeeeed to practice it all at 2am! :rotfl:

could this be whats going on or do you think its solid related?

whens the last solid finley has and what is it
ive tried cutting the supper out as HV said he should only be having 3 meals a day, so he has tea at 5pm and last bottle just before 9pm when he goes to bed

maybe im not giving him big enough meals? as i just give him what i think he doesnt refuse it, but if i give him more he will eat it?

what he has to eat varies, usually baby porrridge though i dont give him the same every night
How often are you feeding him Sassy?
This is how Tom's day goes...

7am - bottle (7oz) and 2 cubes (tblspoons) pear
11am - bottle (7oz) and 4 cubes (sweet potato/carrot/parsnip)
2.30pm - bottle (5oz)
6pm - bottle (7oz) and 2 cubes pear plus 4/5 tspns baby rice

We still dreamfeed him at 11pm but that's just because he's a big baby and is still hungry.

Maybe you need to increase your amounts?
L x
Nathan still sleeping through (figers crossed)
He has 9oz at 8am
baby cereal plus 2oz at 9am
9oz at 12
4 cubes of veggies plus baby rice at 12.30
9oz at 4.30
4 cubes of purees and baby rice at 5.30
9oz at 7.45pm

I was suprised at just how much solids he wants to eat. Maybe you could try giving him some more? The day i missed Nathan breakfast cos he got up late he woke and had another 9oz at 9.30pm.
I've got the same problem with Sam now he's on solids. I was up feeding twice last night, whereas before he was sleeping through.

He seems to be at his hungriest at about 4.30 am now, so he has a bottle then and doesn't really want breakfast at 7am. He's had about 4oz this morning and now he's back in bed.....grrrrrrr :x

I'm only giving him two solid meals, one at lunch and one at about 5pm, but he has baby rice in his last bottle.

It was the same with my second DD, she never really slept through until after six months......

:sleep: :sleep:
Can I ask girls.......... when you say veggies and baby rice...... do you mix the 2 together or give the veggies then the baby rice ?????????
Fiona said:
Can I ask girls.......... when you say veggies and baby rice...... do you mix the 2 together or give the veggies then the baby rice ?????????

I mix them together
his daily routine seems to be

2oz @ 8am- wont drink the rest :shock:
about 5 tbsp of baby porridge for breakfast
4oz milk @ 11am- remainder of breakfast milk
1pm dinner- 5tbsp of veg & chicken or similar
4pm- 5oz bottle
5pm- tea- 5 tbsp baby food
8pm- 3tbsp porridge
9pm- 5oz milk
2am- 5oz milk :x

he wont drink his milk though no more than 5oz he just refuses
my hv suggested trying a drop of water at night instead of milk... but it only seemed to get alice to drop one feed :think: she was down at 8, waking at 12 then 3 then up at 6-7ish. now she goes down at 8-9 ish, has a bottle at around midnight, then wakes up between 6 & 7.

but saying that, two nights last week, she didn't wake at midnight, but wokeat 5 ready to start the day :?

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