Introduce yourself to other Autumn mums-to-be

Hi everyone, I'm due on 13th October :wave:

I had pre-eclampsia with my first baby, they caught it at 31 wks and I was in hospital for 2 wks until I started getting ill, and they tried to induce her. The heartbeat dropped to dangerous levels so I was rushed in for an emergency c section!

I'm hoping I don't get the same problems this time, I'm being closely monitored by my consultant and other hospital doctors as well as my community midwife. I don't want another c section- the pain afterwards is unbearable! But they don't induce people who've had sections because of pressure on the scar, so if I don't go into labour by myself I will have to have another :(

This is a bit of a miracle baby as we were trying to concieve for 2 years, before we were finally given Clomid, but as I was waiting for a period to start taking it, I discovered I was pregnant! As we'd been trying for so long, I'm doubly paranoid about the slightest pain, etc!

Jamie xxx
Hello :wave:

I am Kerry and 28 years old and pregnant for the first time after trying for 2 months. I got married to Paul last May and we are both acting like kids at christmas, we are over excited and cannot wait to meet our baby! :lol:

Baby is due September 29th which seems so far away and we are in the process of building it a bedroom as we only have 1 at the moment!
I'm Josie and 20 years old (21 in August) and my first baby is due October 2, 2007.
Hi, I am Carina and I am due on September 23, its my first baby. Im 22 and I got married last August. I am from Surrey :wave:
hi, im sophie, 19 years old, 2 little girls and pregnant with the 3rd ( and definatly the final)
Hi girls! I'm Eri, 26 years old, husband and I got married in June 2006 and our baby is due on 26th October.

We are soooo excited! Can't wait! :cheer:

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