Introduce our pets!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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So peeps we're always talking about our great kids, nieces,nephews, bumps, friends ... what about our pets?

This is our introduce our pets thread!

I'll start! Here is Oscar my labrador, he will be 4 on the 23rd Dec...he's gorgeous and cuddly!


This is gen she is 2 and 3 months old and is my baby girl

Braydon and Gen

sorry she looks such a mess both times these were taken she was about to go to shampooch
I want a doggy!!!! My oh is mean and says we cant have one with our three cats, who i shall now go and find pics of.
This is my dog Maddy, she is a border collie and a year and a half old.

And this is my cat Chester, he is a bengal and is now 2 and a half years old.

The photos were taken last year and Maddy has definitey grown bigger since then, will have to get some recent ones on.
This is my gorgeous black lab Gypsy! She was a badly treated rescue dog and she's had cancer twice, she's my lil survivor!
She's never without a ball in her mouth! She's nearly ten.



This is my cat Millie. We've only had her for about 2 years. She was a stray that I took in........................

Who turned out to be pregnant! And this is Cheeks, one of her lil kittens that I kept.
awww, everyones pets are sooo gorgeous!

Misslarue - your kitten Cheeks looks like a little toy she is so cute!

I love dogs and cats so much, i would have a houseful if DH would let me! :D
What gorgeous animals!!!!! I have an entire zoo at my house, i will try and get some photos on here a bit later.

I have a 4 year old alsation/boxer Milo
A 3 year old tabby cat Joey (friends fan!!)
A rabbit Thumper, (if i have done this correct there should be a pic of her??)

2 budgies, blue Arthur and grey Harry
A load of tropical fish
And a turtle called Turtle Face!!!!!!!
Bexter said:
Misslarue - your kitten Cheeks looks like a little toy she is so cute!

Awww thank you :D She is a lil sweetie. You would never know by looking at her what a ruthless killer she is.
She's always bringing in mice, birds, frogs, wroms etc The lil bugger!
Introducing my kitties :D

This is Freya my Gorgeous but Evil Bengal Kitty. She's adorable when she is asleep.

This is Talon, he is a big cuddly loveable monster.

And this is the lady of the house Gian, She is Talons mummy and my first ever cat.
And thats my babies :D
They are all gorgeous, especially Cheeks and Spencer.

These are mine...


Zip on the left, Weaver on the right.
here are my babies....

this is my gorge puppy ty, hes HUGE lol hes just turned 7 bless him he lives wtih mummy tho :( but hes still mine :D

this is my lil baby nala, shes the oldest one! shes 12 years old the is "grandma" and "mummy"


this is my lil slob rosie leigh, shes 10 years old, she was run over a couple of years back and her pelvis was crushed so im lucky to have her :) she is Nalas daughter...


This is my gorgeous lil prince Simba, hes 8 years old just, hes rosie leighs, son, and Nalas grandson.... hes a lil monster!!! haha

here's our two pets..... :)

honey... she's the naughty one! :roll:

And Veg... she's the timid one!! :roll:

these are our other babies there the best cats ever! :)
Thats beacause they are soooooooooooooooo lovely :hug:
(I'm a tad biais!)

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