

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
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I finished a 5 day course of antibiotics on Sunday for an infection in my c-section scar. I'm now back off to the GP for another problem with it, and probably to get more antibiotics.

I feel like this is never ending. It's actually having an effect on my mental health now, it's making me feel so, so low.

Has anyone else struggled to heal and had infections? Please tell me it gets better :(
It gets better, I promise. I spent many hours in tears following problem after problem with my c section wound - it burst, I was admitted to hospital due to infection, I had 2 courses of oral antibiotics followed by an iv drip! I thought I would never get better, I couldn't hold my baby or do any of the things I hoped to do as a new mum. It was quite simply s*%t. BUT I am now 12 weeks down the line & I feel like a normal person again. It will get better, just take time, rest as much as you can & don't force yourself to do things. I laughed it off at the time & pushed myself to do things before i was ready but it is a major operation & you need to give yourself a chance to get better.
I think that's my problem. I'm rushing to do housework and try and get back to pre-pregnancy life, bending down, lifting things. I keep being told by the GP to stop, but if I don't then it doesn't get done. After today's issue (a tear, but GP says it's not as bad as I think and it'll heal, I've just been given a cream this time), my OH is starting to listen that I NEED his help and can't do anything right now until I'm healed.

It's honestly put me off of having future children - and I wanted 3! - because I'm terrified of having to go through this again.
I went out walking 3 days after my little boy was born & got majorly told off by midwives. Is your oh back to work now? Luckily mine was off for 6 weeks so could help, although at times he would quite happily let me get on with it if I didn't ask for help. I only started hoovering last week & even now I am very aware not to push myself too much. Doing too much can put your recovery back. I've always been so independent & it did kill me a bit but accept any help you are offered & if it isn't offered ask for it.

As for future children, I know what you mean. My labour has put me off & I do worry about the next but I'm not going to think about it until I need to. Plus I feel a lot better about it then I did when going through all the problems with my c section.
He's been back at work for 4 weeks now, he only got the 2 weeks paternity leave. He also works alternate shifts so one week he works earlies, is home by 1:30pm and can help in the afternoon/evening, the next he works lates and isn't home until 10:30pm. I'm still struggling to even get hot food in me each day when he's not here and barely have time to brush my teeth! I don't even remember what it feels like to be me haha.
Just know it will get better. I still have days when I don't manage to get lunch or dinner (depending on my husbands shifts) but it will improve.
Well I ended up being sent home with an antibacterial cream and told I was worrying too much. There is a tear/hole, but apparently it will close on it's own and isn't something to worry about. Easier said than done! Today there's been more 'gunk'. I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like if I keep going back to the GP, I will keep being fobbed off!
I had a small infection with my first and had to have the cream, main thing is to keep it dry and rest, you cannot be running around as normal otherwise it won't heal, just keep it dry do the minimum and worry about the house and cleaning when your better, honestly it's not worth it dragging on for months. Also make sure you really wash your hands well and moisture , we carry most of our bacteria on hands and soap and water is the best way to get rid of them before/ after you touch the area x

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