I was induced for 'going over'.
It wasn't the best, very painful, and I felt out of control. But that was my experience. I didn't have a good midwife either, telling me to push far too early, so ended up with a swollen cervix and 2 more shift changes of midwife
I did manage 10 hrs without epidural but needed to rest, so had one in the end.
Also, some labours are induced and some are augmented. Induction is starting the whole thing off, where as augmenting a labour is helping it along.
From what I saw n one born every minute last night, it has changed a lot. And you seen to have a lot more freedom, even if you are induced.
I still think the risks of inducing a labour should be well thought through.
I always ask now, BRAN...benefits, risk, alternatives, nothing.
There is no reason why it shouldn't go well
Good luck