Hi my lovely

so just thought I'd give you my background
I had my first beautiful daughter in November 2014, and it ended up being an emergency c-section due to her not wanting to come out of me

everything went fine no complications. Skip forward to June of this year. I suffered with obstetric cholestatis and I ended up seeing my consultant on the Monday at 37+3, and had my bloods done and they were sky high with vile acids, so they decided to get me in on the Thursday. Went in at 3pm, they did monitoring and after a few hours they did more monitoring. Then at 8pm they finally put the pessary in, although c-section mums only have them in for about 12 hours as they don't want to push your scar too much. So the next morning it was taken out at 8am. Nothing really happened I was 4cms but no contractions at all! So around 2pm they came round and I was still 4cms and baby wasn't really wanting out yet.
At about 7pm the consultant came round and said it's time to go onto the labour ward

I was so excited but very apprehensive! Considering this was mine and OHs last baby due to him already having two so I was dead set on making sure I had a vaginal birth! And I would do anything! 9pm had all my ins done on the ward and they checked me over and started the drip on me. They do say there is a slight risk to scar rupturing on your scar but I didn't feel a thing! Luckily nothing happened to it. So I started contracting around 10:30pm, and didn't use gas or air for a while as didn't really want it, I was just bouncing on my ball. My partner left around half 9 as nothing was happening, then came back around 11pm he bought my MIL which was nice although I started using the gas and air so I was kind of out of my rockers lol! But was nice to have someone to talk to. So they went home at around 1am! The consultant then came in and checked me over I still hadn't moved! I was literally thinkin this is going to end in a csection and I really didn't want it to happen! And I told her that, I was in that much pain from the contractions she said it might be an idea to have an epidural now so that if it does end in a csection you've already got it in you ready for theatre! Great I thought! So she thinks a VBAC isn't going to happen! So the epidural went in! I'm not going to sugar coat it, it was so bloody painful, but as soon as it was in I had such a relief that I managed to rest my eyes for a few minutes.
Fast forward to about 5am my contractions were going about 4 in every ten minutes so was doing well although still 5-6cms! I literally at this point was beyond my tether and just wanted baby out! Considering I had been in hospital so long! Or what felt like forever. So consultant left me to keep contracting, then she came back at 6am and said you're still 6cms, if baby isn't here by 8am we're going to have to take you down! Fuck sake I thought! I really want a natural birth! So the midwife
who was with me moved me into a better position, anyway I was just contracting didn't really feel anything! The time was ticking by really quickly! And I new 8am was coming closer and closer, my partner still hadn't woken up!! And I wanted to leave him to sleep a little longer! So just left him, well the consultant who was absolutely fan withme the previous 48 hours camelback and she walked in the door and said well looks like you can start pushing! I was like whhhhaaaaat!! But dan isn't here! I asked them to grab my phone quickly, rang him and all I said was I'm fully dilated! Get here! Luckily he was only 5 minutes down the road. So it was about 8:15am by the time I'd finish the phone call, I told the consultant I can't start pushing till my partners here, whilst thinkin is this baby actually going to come out this way!!! I was so excited!! Dan then walked in around 8:30, then I started pushing, I could feel her head! It was magical! Kept pushing and pushing suddenly the head popped out, then a couple of contractions later she came! My first words were 'did I just do that'
Longing for a vaginal birth after a c-section is somethingg I wanted for the whole of my pregnancy and people kept telling me it isn't going to happen! Guess what I did it! I had a small graze on the inside that didn't need stitches! I had a catheter out in and I had a cannula in! I felt horrendous! But I was able to get out of bed straight away and grab a shower! It was wonderful and I'm so thankful! You feel like you can't do anything with a csection because your bed bound, but this time I could freely move and it was brilliant! My little girl came at exactly 38 weeks and she is the best thing ever! She's now 8 weeks old! But I can honestly say just keep pushing! I hope my story hasn't put you off, it's going to be absolutely fine
Any questions just ask

lots of love kat x