She's here !!!
Baby Daisy arrived at 8.50 this morning after a few complications but she is here safe.
She is so dinky, only 6lb 10oz and on the boob like a pro.
I was 4cm when I got to hospital at 2.30am and 10cm at 5am but babies head was slightly tilted and she was lying on a nerve in my back - I lost the plot !! I had never in my life felt pain like this before, I physically couldn't push and in the end they gave me a spinal and I pushed her out myself with the help of the midwife. I managed so well to get to fully dialled on just gas alone and I could have done the rest but the trapped nerve was nothing like Iv ever felt before in my life !!!
She looks the double of Olly, only smaller. I lost 950 ml of bloody after birth as the placenta snapped from the cord but I'm just waiting on my discharge papers so should be home very soon.
Happy New Year everybody xxx