in hosp with high bp any1 else had this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls hope ur all well. well the title says it all im stuck in hosp with high bp, and headache, but blood results r all normal. thy said thy might have to put me on bp meds to lower it, great ... im sad, lonely n miss oh n my litttle boy... scared also has anyone else got or had this x
Havent had this hunny but just wanted to send you big :hug: and hope they let you go home to your OH and little boy soon x x
had my bp sky rocket after delivering my second but had other systoms of pre eclampsia before. have had some of them this time and spent most of last night in hospital too !! my bp is raised but not too high at the min and i have protein in my wee headache and vision distudences. would have thought if evrything else is ok and your bp comes down they will let u out. will have fingers crossed for u hun xxxxxxxxx
i really hope so its horrible in here i no it needs sorting but im tired and this lace cnt b helping my bp really x
U poor thing :hug:
I havent had it but just wanted to say that altho its horrible, ur in the best place.
FX they will be happy to let you go home today xxx
U poor thing :hug:
I havent had it but just wanted to say that altho its horrible, ur in the best place.
FX they will be happy to let you go home today xxx
Haven't had this myself, but have talked to my MW friend about it a while ago. Fact that your blood results are normal is very good news, and hopefully with the bp tablets your bp will get back to normal and you'll be able to go home again soon. :hugs:
sorry to hear your stuck in hosp hun, what was your bp reading? was it done manually or electroncially? i know the electronic machines are a lot more sensitive that the manual readings.

mine was 152/103 yesterday with headaches and flashing lights and swollen hands and feet - im being monitored for pre eclampsia from home as they just havent got the beds!!

hope you get to go home soon xx
its high i havent asked what it was and mainly manualy but bit of both. i wish i could stop at home :( x
Sorry to hear ur stuck in hosp it's not nice :( hopefully the bp meds will work and you'll be home soon!!! :hug:
thanx girls :) im still here and still none the wiser about all this bp and headaches :(
Hey hun u are in the best place at the moment even though its not nice :( my friend had high bp at 32 weeks and her baby had to be delivered by c-section, theyre both home now and both are absolutely fine (this happened about 4 weeks ago) not sure what her blood results were all I know is that her bp was high and they couldnt get it down and the baby was measuring small so they thought it was best to just get baby out. Dont be afraid to ask questions hun about what might happen and how long they think u might stay etc x hope you can go home soon x
I agree don't be afraid to ask all the questions you have to!! Hope u get some answers soon and ur bp goes down :hug:

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