in conversation with Budge

missac said:
Lovely talking to you Budge, you are an expert interviewer Parky had better watch out!!

so long as i don't get emu ill be fine :rotfl:
Becks&Riley said:

I requested to be next on like page 2


oh for goodness sake beck!!! here we go!!! interview on!!! :rotfl:

hello beckandriley :wave:

i read the other day that you cut your fringe at midnight - could you please briefly explain what actually made you do that? :D
omg :wave:
It's like a dream come true to appear on this show :D i've been trying for ages.

I get bored and change my hair alot, I was indeed on my way to bed when I wondered what i would look like with a fringe so I just went ahead and cut it

do you normally do things spontaniously like that or are you normally a planner?
No I find that i am quite a spontanious being I tend not to think of my actions first gets me in trouble sometimes...
Apparently an ADD contidion I had that diagnosed when i was 16
- how do you see yourself and riley in 10 years time Becks? What are your hopes ambitions? :D
I messed up at school I think comin away with crap GCSES apart from English I managed to get C in both... Dont know how i've never done a moments revision in my life... :S I dont know how?
BUT i feel I have grown up alot in these past 2 years so possibly in september i'm going to college to retake some GCSE's
and I wish 2 work in an airport when i've got some qualifications doing what I dont know some kind of customer services thing i'd like to see someone try to get rowdy with me :rotfl:

Bristol and Heathrow are my nearest so I need to learn how to drive i've passed my theroy so roll on a test!

And Riley I dont know what she'll be doing doing well at school I hope I dont want her messing up her education like I did I want her to do well while she can at school not have 2 start again like naughty mummy :wink:
aww you're not naughty! don't be so hard on yourself. :hug:

i think it sounds great being in the airline business, is air hostessing a possibility? If so which country would you really want to fly to? :)
No not an airline hostess lol i'm 2 fat for that i wouldnt get up and down the aisles :rotfl:

I want to work in the actual airport
they are always busy and on the go i'd love it
But i couldn't sit at a desk I want to be one of the people always rushing around with the old walkie talkies haha
ahahha i can see you on ''airline'' now ! and you're not fat.

well i had better take a break now beck!!!
ill be back online tomorrow for more interviews! :D


** cheesy music**
awww tomorrow night sarah! ill have you first! im tired now. going to bed chicken :hug: night x
and meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...i want a go:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
only got time for one interview tonight ladies!! my house is like a pig sty and i need to clean it

so who is next? sarah are you there?
please put my name down too!!! whenever u have time i wanna be interviewed!!
u have to catch me when im on :cheer:

come on sarah! ill wait two more minutes then its latatias turn
mmmim not impressed with your time keeping!! i hope you won't be late for your check in when you go to spain :roll:

:wave: hello Sarah!

i was talking to someone today about that tom Hanks film ''Castaway''. Have you seen it?
If you were stranded on a desert island what luxery item would you take with you to keep you happy? :D

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