in conversation with Budge

and you've never looked back!!! :dance:

nice to talk to you mum2b! good luck TTC!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

night all! back tomorrow night for more questions and scenarios!!
oh go on then! just ONE more before i clean my pig sty up! :rotfl:

tasha! :wave:

have you ever put a condom on using your teeth only?
you dirty mare!!! :o

do you want a scenario or just general questions?
ermmm well I will go with my best earliest memory :) it was when I was around 4 or 5 and me and my mum and dad went to yelverton rock near dartmoor and we had ice cream, lol not very exciting but it was a nice time in the family :D
o pm for ya :)
Well lol.....


Tanya 19
Becky 15

Joanne 5
Bradley 4
Callum 2 half

And two step brothers
Carl 27
Sean 24

lol dont ask :rotfl:
crikey!!! did you enjoy growing up in a big family ( i know i did). Dpo you want a big famility?
Im gald of the expereince with having younger siblings as it taught me alot about young children, im sure it helped.

I am not sure about having a big family, I am not planning to have too many but I wouldnt stop it from happening if you know what I mean :D

I really would love Oli to have brothers and sisters, it would be really lovely :)
it is lovely!! when my girls are all together and getting on i am glad i had them all! :)

im going to have to go now - im too tired now to tidy up!! grrr this forum will be the downfall of my humble abode!!!

nice talking with you tash! :hug:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
budge said:
it is lovely!! when my girls are all together and getting on i am glad i had them all! :)

im going to have to go now - im too tired now to tidy up!! grrr this forum will be the downfall of my humble abode!!!

nice talking with you tash! :hug:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:hug: I know what you mean

Nice talking :D

nighty night :hug:
I'm BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacK! :D Gosh Budge, how the blimming heck do you have time to come on here with 4 kid's? I havn't been on in ages and I just have the one!!!

I would like to be interviewed Pleeeeearzzz! :D :cheer:
i am well organised jade89 :wink: make time for myself.

backl soon to interview
No more interviews... :?

awwwwww come on budge carry on with them , it was good to read! :cheer:

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