in conversation with Budge

staying on the coronation street theme. who do you think you are most like on coro and why?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I just nearly spat my juice all over the computer!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

This thread is great!
oh really? :shock: :rotfl:

what made you join the forum babylicious and are you amamber of any other forums?
On a serious note now, I joined the forum as I thought I was pg, thinking that we weren't ready for another and when it turned out I wasn't both me and OH were gutted!

I'm a member of a couple of craft forums as I'm addicted

Also because I'm billy no mates :rotfl:
well its been a slice talking to you babylicious!

good luck in getting sprogged! :hug:

:wave: missac!!!

missac - what were you doing this time last year?
:wave: :wave: Hi Budge, it's lovely to be here!

This time last year I was getting ready for the end of term at my school in Scotland and saying goodbye to my wonderful class. They all break up on Friday!
awww - do you miss them or are you back there now?
I really really miss them!! I left there in Feb of this year to move back down to England, I hve been back to visit with Thomas though! I cried when I left!!
you must be mad! :rotfl: fancy missing a class full of smelly noisey kids! :rotfl:

when did yo last go out and what was the occasion?
budge said:
you must be mad! :rotfl: fancy missing a class full of smelly noisey kids! :rotfl:


:rotfl: :rotfl:

I went out on Saturday night, it is the first time I have had a proper drink since before I was pregnant, I got a little tipsy to say the least and needless to say I will not be repeating anytime soon! It was with my friend from school who just happens to be my neighbour, no occasion really, Daddy looked after Thomas and I spent the next day feeling guilty and very tired!! Naughty Mummy!!
did daddy get his wicked way when you returned all tipsey and merry? :wink:
good god no, I couldn't tell my arse from my elbow, I'm lucky it was oh I got in bed with and not Thomas' cot!!!! :rotfl:
missac said:
good god no, I couldn't tell my arse from my elbow, I'm lucky it was oh I got in bed with and not Thomas' cot!!!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: nice one!!!

lovely talking to you missac - :hug:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: bye fror now!!!

i see becks is trying to push in the queue TUT
Lovely talking to you Budge, you are an expert interviewer Parky had better watch out!!

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