In a constant state of.........?


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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The last few days I have felt really odd. I have this sorta strong feeling but I can't work out what it is?

It's kinda like the excitement you get the day before you leave on holiday. Or the feeling I got when my husband proposed. Kinda that something HUGE is imminent.

Thought it might be horny hormones, but when I think about sex I am still ho hum about it. My nesting is kicking in I think and I do have an urge to clean and wonder if that is it?

Surely it can't be excitement over baby coming when I still have 4 months left to go?

I actually hope it goes away! Anyone else feel strange?
You think it's the same thing? It's almost like I am craving something but just can't put my finger on what! Feeling all fuzzy too.

Very strange. Hope mine goes away too! X
Could it be like an anxiety attack or panic attack kinda thing?
No cause its a nice feeling. Well it would be if something g exciting was happening today or tomorrow! Butterflies in my stomach and everything.

Starting to think I might actually be horny? It's been so long, not had much of a libido for a few years! Hubby getting it tonight anyway, just to see if it's that! Haha
LOL, I tried out the sex thing at the weekend and it def wasn't that :shock:

I am tired today and being tired keeps me calm, otherwise I have a constant "Christmas Eve" feeling if that makes sense!

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I've not had this, but have been in a state of 'spaceyness'

Somethings not right, but cant put my finger on it....
I feel like this too ... It is Christmas eve every day!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I think I have worked out what it is! I think its LOVE!

its that feeling I used to get when I heard my phone beep and it was a text from my husband when we first got together.
or that feeling going to meet him and being all excited and nervous.

i think its complete and utter love for my little womb monkey. I can sit and watch my belly moving for hours. I just love it!

i was talking to my Mum who is a bit of a hippy and she was telling me the feeling is cause by baby, as its the summer soltice just passed or soon, cant remember when she said. She said that a lot of pregnant woman will go into labour on the solstice. She also said there is a full moon around my due date, so she doesnt think I will be late!
What a lovely explanation!!! Iv just been in tears for another unknown reason, bloody hormones x
What a lovely explanation!!! Iv just been in tears for another unknown reason, bloody hormones x

haha I had my first outburst of tears today too! Think now I have finally realised that i actually love my baby already its opened the sluce gates to the hormones. Hope i dont burst into tears in public! x
That is so cute Lynds - yep I think "falling in love" sums up my pregnacy so far perfectly! It's all so new and exciting and happy (and tiring!)

It's also really interesting about the moon hun, I'd read before that hospitals always have an influx around full moon time

Just checked and there isn't one when I am due LOL!

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I defo go with the full moon having an effect on people. We always joke at work, oh crap, full moon weekend cause something always goes off!! and the cells usually end up full too.

think we might all be a bit more primal than we think!
Oh the joys of a full moon weekend! You cannae beat it!

I think its a lovely way to put it and very accurate, its the same feeling in my belly/chest that I got everytime I got a text or phone call from hubby. How lovely :love:

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