It's pissing me off now! *peeing*


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
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Lately i have been feeling like i am BURSTING for the toilet and when i go i don't even pee alot but when i have finished it still feels like i am bursting, it is different to the cystitis feeling though and my tests have came back ok. Everytime i pee its like i cannot get all of it out like theres something stopping it. Its really bothering me and irritating! I do have bladder weakness and need to wear panty liners and am wondering if its maybe connected! I feel like screaming its irritating me!!!
Also when i go to the toilet i can always squash a little bit more out if i wait a that kinda proves i still need to pee! I am starting to think its something serious xxx
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I would try not to worry too much Shauna. I always feel that I haven't emptied my bladder properly too. My pregnancy book says that lots of women get this because of the way baby is laying and said that some women find that rocking from side to side while sitting on the loo can help to get that last bit out helps. Maybe something you could try? Of course if you're really worried then talk to your GP or MW.

I found that I was like that when I was pregnant, its kinda like i had a hidden pocket that wouldnt empty with the rest of my wee iykwim xx
I get that a lot too - desperate for the toilet only for it to be a tiny wee bit. Grrr. I went out for a 5 mile walk yesterday ( cars MOT has ran out and I wanted to get some stuff). Before I left I went to the toilet but after about 10 mins into the joruney it felt like Iwas desperate for the toilet again and that continued the whole time. was so uncomfotable! When i got back it went straight to the toilet only for me to have a little dribble! :lol: I put it down to the way the baby was lying
5 mile walk???? I can't do that and I'm not pregnant!!!! You must be super fit (or I'm a lazy slob lol) xxx
Yes I've had this from very early on in pregnancy Shauna - have been checked and re checked for urine infections but all clear. Now I am later on I can definitely feel that baby is on my bladder, sometimes it feels like he is just standing on the end with his feet!! It's a very uncomfortable feeling - and I can pee, squeeze out as much as is absolutely possible, then get up and have the same feeling of needing a wee 5 mins later!! xx
5 mile walk???? I can't do that and I'm not pregnant!!!! You must be super fit (or I'm a lazy slob lol) xxx

:lol: I've just been a lazy slob up until lately - I just had a burst of enegry that day, it's not something I do all the time. I had a wee bit of a sore back after so never got round to doing the patio out the back, which is what the walk was for - to buy weed stuff and garden things.
I know I'm a few weeks behind u but I recently been feeling like this! After my scan I know now that little man is facing down! I'm sure he's headbutting my side and kicking my bladder making me need to pee!! X

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