Implantation or early af?? Please help!


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Hi, hope everyone is doing good, I'm looking for advice please. I'm 8/9 dpo have sore nips and have had lower back pain and twinges from about 6dpo. Yesterday morning when I wiped I had clear cm with tiny tiny brown spots in it, so I was getting excited thinking implantation but today I just had slightly creamy cm and low cervix. So (maybe stupidly) I put a mini tampon up there and took it out immediately and there was a smear of red cm not proper blood, so do u ladies think I'm maybe due af soonEr than I thought?! Please help I don't usually get many replies on here x
Implantation bleeding is actually quite rare. When it does happen I believe it to be a couple of minute brown specs in cm (remember how tiny that implanting egg is).
Could be but I suppose you'll find out soon enough x
How long is your usual cycle , wens your af due ? It could well be your af coming early but ... It does sound good for implantation though , I don't know what other advice I can give as its such a hard waiting game in the 2ww , good luck hun I hope its implantation x x
Hi Dawnt87, I had exactly the same as you a tiny spot of reddish/brown colour at about 9 dpo. And I have all the same symptoms as you. I thought it was af but considering I'm now 15dpo and no sign of af I guess it wasnt! Hope it's not a sign of af for you xx
Hi girls thanks for your replies! I'm due on wed/thurs next week and am generally bang on time! Congrats on ur Bfp cosmic! Really hope it's not af but just have to wait and see! Elen how come you've not tested??? Good luck girls!
I'm not sure babes but I didn't want to read and run got everything crossed fo you though let us know!

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