implantation bleeding?????


Jan 6, 2009
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Im new to this site but need some woman to talk too!!

Ok this is my story.
Stopped taking the pill in Sept after being on the pill for 13 years. Last Period October 17th!!!

Now January Still no period. Taken tests but all negative up to new years eve.
Had sex 1st Jan - and on the 6th Jan I have had a bright pink bleed lasted two wipes - next day a small about of brownish colored b lood it doesn't feel like a period and i think ( hope) it could be a implantation bleed - sorry if too much info!!

Its so confusing as i have no periods to be able to work out when to take tests - took one yesterday evening clear blue negative.

So gonna have to be in suspense until saturday morning when i think its best to re-take.

Has anyone had this before?????
Any advice would be fantastic , please its all i think about!!
I had brown spotting with my last pregnancy (which sadly ended all too soon) and I assumed it was my period making an appearance. My cycles had been thrown out of whack from the m/c I'd had on the previous cycle and I just assumed it was y bod getting back to normal. Like you it only lasted a couple of days and only when i wiped.

I think in retrospect it might have been either implantation bleeding or the weird bleed pregnant women sometimes get when their period would have been due.

Other than that I'm not much help but I have read that IB is much rarer than we think - it's only because of the free flow of information on the internet that people know about it at all.

As for testing I don't know what to suggest - maybe go to your doctor and ask for a blood hCG test? That could help.

fingers crossed for you :pray:
Hi hon. Brown blood won't be IB as any brown blood is old, so it's possible that your body is trying to have a period and getting rid of stuff that's been there for a while, especially as you haven't had af in so long. It's also possible that you have gotten pregnant and it's 'breakthrough' bleeding (i.e. when you bleed a bit when you normally would have if you hadn't been pregnant), but having been in your position before, I would bet that it's the former (I HOPE not, though :) ).

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