Help with your abbrevations pls! Symptons and implantation.


Jan 6, 2009
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Im new to this please can you give the the low down - bfp vf - and any others would be fantastic

This is My story.......

Stopped taking the pill in Sept after being on the pill for 13 years. Last Period October 17th!!!

Taken tests but all negative up to new years eve.

BUT...... tryed to concieve on 1st Jan many times! lol!!n - and on the 6th Jan I have had a bright pink bleed lasted two wipes - next day a small about of brownish colored b lood it doesn't feel like a period and i think ( hope) it could be a implantation bleed - sorry if too much info!!

My imangation is on overdrive and im sure im aching, and i can test metallic and i have a lose of apptitie but it may just be me and i would only be 9 days pregant is that too early for symptomn??????

So gonna have to be in suspense until 2mrw morning when i think its best to re-take.

Has anyone had this before?????

Any advice would be fantastic , please its all i think about!!
Hi hun :wave:

Ok, you can find a list of abbreviations on here... viewtopic.php?f=30&t=4

It's a bit early for an implanation bleed, it normally occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation but it is very rare and most women don't get them.

Most of us get very similar symptoms as you around af time and we're the worlds worst symptom spotters!! That's not to say yours aren't genuine tho, it could well be that you're pregnant.

Are your cycles regular, do you know when in your cycle you ovulated? I'd strongly recommend you start charting either using your basal body temp or the ovulation kits to figure out the optimum time to start bd'ing! (baby dancing!)

If you're going to test it's best to wait 48 hrs after each test as your hormone levels will rise in this time when you're pregnant so you'll get a stronger reading....although if you're anything like us you'll do it tomorrow! :lol:

Keeping it all x'd for you :pray:

All I know is my last preiod was 17th october. Then i came off the pill and not had one since.

I did an ovualtion chart online and by coincindence my predicted my ovulations dates were they ones i did my baby dancing!! lol!! i love that saying xx

I did test tuesday and think im gonna have to do one 2mrw else im gonna explode! my clear blue digital is burning a hole in my bag!!
All I know is my last preiod was 17th october. Then i came off the pill and not had one since.

I did an ovualtion chart online and by coincindence my predicted my ovulations dates were they ones i did my baby dancing!! lol!! i love that saying xx

I did test tuesday and think im gonna have to do one 2mrw else im gonna explode! my clear blue digital is burning a hole in my bag!!
Haha :lol: I hope the test comes out +ve for you :pray:

It can take a few months for your body to return to a normal cycle after coming of birth control. Hope you get your bfp soon!

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