implant removed


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
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I've just had the implant removed 3days ago can anyone help! when will I be able to get pregnant and how long could it take I'm only 20 and have never had the implant before and no nothing about it. thanks aimee x
Hi & welcome amilea09 :wave:

I'm TCC baby #1 after the implant. The doc's say you return to normal (fertile) straight away once its removed, so fingers crossed it wont take you too long :D

I'm 28, & have been on some sort of contraception since aged 17, I had the implant in for the last 2years & so i'm still trying to suss out my cycle its had been a bit all over the place :( & I can' remember what It was like pre contraception.

Are you taking your folic acid yet, if not start ASAP (they recommend taking for 3months before). Its worthwhile having a good read on here, I've learned SO much. Such as tips to look out for when you’re most fertile (EWCM & CP), anyway its all explained on this board! Plus everyone is lovely & so if there is anything your not sure about just shout out!

Speak to you soon,

Kelly xx
no I didn't know you had to take them I never had them when I had my son but thanks I'll have a read around. aimee xx
Hi! :wave:
I had my implant removed in Jan last year, took the mini pill for one month after but stopped thinking I needed to give my body time to get back in order! i was wrong lol! Never got a period at all and got a BFP in the March!
And yes folic acid is important to take! :D
Hi and welcome to the forum :wave:

I had my implant taken out in Feb 07 and unfortunately, it took me months and months before my cycles returned to normal and my periods were really painful for the first 7 months :( It took us 20 months from implant coming out to me getting my bfp but unfortunately it didn't work out for us.

I really hope your body settles down much quicker than mine did. Everyone is different and I know there are lots of ladies on here who have had no problems...i seem to be the only one!!!

Good luck with ttc :hug:
If the implant works like the coil and the hormones are out of your body almost straightaway upon removal, things should get back to how they should be soon. I had a coil removed prior to both this and my last pregnancy and fell within the first month both times :D
your fertility shud return to normal straight away. im havin mine removed very soon but not ttc until november ish time.
hope it works soon for u xxx
i had it removed in nov 07 an had bfp in dec 07 with no period in between.
apparently your very fertile when you have it removed.
I know this is a daft question but I can't get pregnant from my partner "pulling out" can I
amilea09 said:
I know this is a daft question but I can't get pregnant from my partner "pulling out" can I
yes you can.
oh no I thought you couldn't I have just come off the implant so I should b safe for now shouldn't I I can't test for pregnancy because I've not had a af yet
Some women get pg before they have AF so I would leave it a few weeks and if no AF then I would test. :hug: :hug:
I've just had a nosey through my old charts, i had my implant out on the 26th Oct 2007 and had some spotting between 12th-15th Nov. And then a proper AF on the 5th December. So you might need to give your body awhile to re-adjust if you're expecting AF, or fx a bfp :)
ok il leave it til end of this month and tes :D t then fingers crossed xx

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