Implanon or Merina?


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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Sounds like some sort of Greek gods or something! Sadly not! I'm due to have my six week post natal check in two weeks and of course thinking about contraception. We have discussed and agreed at the moment we would like to wait at least three years before having another baby.
I'm loathed to go back on the pill as I was on Microgynon for 13 years, then went onto Dianette, then Femodene. I was diagnosed with PCOS but only through blood tests and symptoms, no actual cysts found (thank goodness), and I am left thinking that the combined pill has somehow contributed to the diagnosis.
So I'm left thinking about a progestogen based contraceptive (don't fancy the POP) either the Merina Coil or Implanon implant. I'm sure this is very much an individual thing but every time I have a look on the net there's always people sharing their horror stories. Does anyone have any actual good or bad experiences with either the Merina or Implanon?
Cheers ladies!
I had the Implanon, i couldnt praise it enough. Its a bit nerve racking getting it put in, but i would really recommend it. I had put in 15 days after giving birth and i was breast feeding. the only downside was that i had lost 3 stone quickly on weightwatchers and it had twisted in my arm. My doctor advised my to have it took out. I now have the contraceptive patch, i like that to =)
I couldn't say a bad thing about the implant... I have had it for 3 months now and it's fab! Getting it in didn't bother me, although I'm fine with needles and stuff.. It's very quick and you are givel local anesthetic.. I bled randomly at the beginning but now I bleed little and rarely, I was on cerazette while waiting on my appointment for my implant and it drove me MAD! I thought I was getting depressed, severe mood swings, crying etc.. But I feel fab on this, just my opinion :) I know Toonlass praises the coil, she will prob be along with some info on it but I have never had it so can't compare xx
I had a mirena coil for 4 years and had it out new years eve and concieved straight away. I didnt have any periods while i was on it and didnt get acne or put on weight. xxx
thanks for your replies! It's nice to hear good things fof a change! I suppose the implant might be 'easier' to have fitted (I'm not squeamish either). Is the coil hard to check? I've read you have to make sure you can feel the threads. To be honest I started off thinking coil but I'm now swaying toward implant!
I had the Merina coil, had no problems with them putting it in, 6 week check to make sure it was still there was kinda hard as they then found out the person cut the threads to short so when i went for my yearly checks they would then send me for a scan to make sure it was still there which was kinda annoying after spending petrol to goto the clinic just to go waste more on going to the hospital, when i had to have it taken out the clinic couldn't find it and i had to go into hospital to get it removed which wasnt the nicest thing but thankfully they found it. i had no bleeding for the whole time i had it in either
when we decided to try for a baby we had no problems.

im going to look at getting the implant next year as its the only thing i havent tried (well apart from the injections)
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I really would recommend the implant hun :yay: But every woman takes to it differently.. When you go for it they will run you through the percentages of things happening.. Bleeding patterns etc xx
Only just saw this im carying the evidence of how the implant doens't always work under my shirt. Hopefully it will work just make sure that it is in properly and if you have any doubts use other forms of protection, and go back as when i went to have it removed they found it hadn't been put in properly or something. Good luck and i hope you find the right form of protection for you xx

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