Impending miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2018
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Well our second BFP in a row has once again turned into a miscarriage. I am devastated and don't understand why this has happened a second time so soon after the first. It really doesn't seem fair. My 14dpo betas were 55, 16dpo were 114 and today's 18dpo are 147, which is not even 30% increase over 48 hours. I had one more bloodwork done today but the nurse said she wouldn't be surprised if this was another miscarriage and also advised me to watch for an ectopic.

What makes this all hurt more is that my husband's family lives abroad and we support them financially, and his brother and his brother's wife got pregnant immediately after their wedding earlier this year, even though they have nothing and are living day to day. They all live in the same house, make barely enough to live on and have no future prospects, but THEY get to have a baby and my husband and I don't?! How is that fair? Am I being punished for something? We are good people.
So sorry hun. Not sure if you’ve seen my pregnancy loss journal but I lost 2 pregnancies in 2 cycles unfortunately earlier on this year in July and then September. My GP told me I should have a month off TTC which I REALLY didn’t want to do but he said I needed to let my body recover. He said he wouldn’t send me for tests until it happened a 3rd time which was frustrating and I really hope it doesn’t happen!! So sorry you’re going through this too.

I’m here for you if you want a chat x
So sorry hun. Not sure if you’ve seen my pregnancy loss journal but I lost 2 pregnancies in 2 cycles unfortunately earlier on this year in July and then September. My GP told me I should have a month off TTC which I REALLY didn’t want to do but he said I needed to let my body recover. He said he wouldn’t send me for tests until it happened a 3rd time which was frustrating and I really hope it doesn’t happen!! So sorry you’re going through this too.

I’m here for you if you want a chat x
Thank you so much for your story and words. It does help to hear that I'm not alone. Now that I've gotten the news I'm just waiting for the bleeding to get started and for the soreness in my chest to go away (it's still quite strong). Luckily a new nurse called me and set up an appointment with one of the other doctors in the practice about next steps, which includes more testing for genetics and blood clotting. She also told me to hold off on the next cycle and let my body rest. It doesn't seem fair that this happens to some women and not others, does it?

It's also so hard to talk about this even with my mother who has never had fertility issues and so doesn't know what to say. She told me, "chin up! It will happen" and I almost lost it on her. It's like I have to be extra understanding of those that I tell while also dealing with my own physical and emotional pain.
I’m in the exact same boat. My mum said she never had any problems and told me my problem was that I tested too soon!! With both of them I’d gone past when AF was due so what does she expect for me to do other than test when we are TTC? She said she left it weeks before she tested. I then reminded her that tests that long ago weren’t as advanced as they are now so she probably had to wait that long.

It’s good they’ve made an appointment for you to see what might be up (hopefully nothing!) I’ve not even been offered that.

How’s your chest today?

Like you said, it seems so unfair that some of us are so unlucky... time really is a great healer but you never forget the ones you have lost and wonder what if.
I’m in the exact same boat. My mum said she never had any problems and told me my problem was that I tested too soon!! With both of them I’d gone past when AF was due so what does she expect for me to do other than test when we are TTC? She said she left it weeks before she tested. I then reminded her that tests that long ago weren’t as advanced as they are now so she probably had to wait that long.

It’s good they’ve made an appointment for you to see what might be up (hopefully nothing!) I’ve not even been offered that.

How’s your chest today?

Like you said, it seems so unfair that some of us are so unlucky... time really is a great healer but you never forget the ones you have lost and wonder what if.
Ugh it's horrible. I think if you've not gone through something like this it's hard to understand what it's like, or at least that's what I try to think when I get those comments from my mom. It's still not fair that while going through this pain we have to be understanding of others and their comments. That's life I suppose. :/ And if you're past AF of course you will at least have some thought of the possibility that you might be pregnant. I'm sure even your mom thought about it after she missed her AF too!

Chest is less sore, my HCG is down to 25, so I'm hoping this gets started soon so I can move on from this pain. This time is so much worse than the first because now I feel hopeless, like the joy of pregnancy is now gone for me forever because I will always have anxiety about miscarriage. It's hard.
Yes it is unbelievably hard. With my 1st MC I was able to take a couple of days off work just to cry and grieve but with my 2nd I was super busy at work and I had deadlines to comply with so I went in. The distraction helped but it has also meant the grieving process took a lot longer and I still get days when I really struggle... the 2nd time around we decided to tell our family and friends about it to try to support us and it did help. They are now much more understanding and aren’t always asking us when we think we will have kids.

Be kind to yourself and give your body time to sort itself out too. There’s plenty of posts of women having multiple MCs on here and then having kids so there is light at the end of the tunnel even if it doesn’t feel like it now x
I’m so sorry you are going through this but I can totally relate.
It’s an absolutely heartbreaking thing to happen.
I have had two miscarriages back to back and I can’t help but feel angry towards anybody who manages to get pregnant that I know. I also take care of addicts for a living and when they fall pregnant I can’t help but wonder ...why you and not me. Exactly how you feel....why am I being punished.

Nobody really understands because it’s your body and you were pregnant not them. My mum had two miscarriages but has 3 kids so she doesn’t even understand .

TC hun x
Can someone tell me am I pregnant.Sorry for my english i am from Serbia.I've got my period in 22.novenber and 6.december.. and now it's been 30days when was my last period.I had unprotected sex before 6.december and he masturbated in me..And after 6.december we had sex a few times.Now I have cramps in my lower abdomen and crawings for food.Am I really pregnant?Oh yea I've got one miscarriage about 6month ago and I am really scared!!Also I am 16 years old
Can someone tell me am I pregnant.Sorry for my english i am from Serbia.I've got my period in 22.novenber and 6.december.. and now it's been 30days when was my last period.I had unprotected sex before 6.december and he masturbated in me..And after 6.december we had sex a few times.Now I have cramps in my lower abdomen and crawings for food.Am I really pregnant?Oh yea I've got one miscarriage about 6month ago and I am really scared!!Also I am 16 years old

This really isn’t the thread for your comment. You should be posting on the ‘Am I Pregnant’ section.
Can someone tell me am I pregnant.Sorry for my english i am from Serbia.I've got my period in 22.novenber and 6.december.. and now it's been 30days when was my last period.I had unprotected sex before 6.december and he masturbated in me..And after 6.december we had sex a few times.Now I have cramps in my lower abdomen and crawings for food.Am I really pregnant?Oh yea I've got one miscarriage about 6month ago and I am really scared!!Also I am 16 years old
This really isn’t the thread for your comment. You should be posting on the ‘Am I Pregnant’ section.
i am new hrere sry
Hi so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I also had 2 miscarriages back to back. The last one was in September but I am still not over it. My family is saying oh well at least you have one child but to be honest it doesn’t help. Everyone just shrugs it off. I can’t even talk about anymore as they are saying aren’t you over it already! The worst is that we are not trying anymore:(
I am devastated. I started counselling now so let’s see. The miscarriages scarred me for life. I am over 40 now as well. Unless anyone has been through this they can’t understand so no point talking to them about it. Also the miscarriage process is sooooo painful emotionally and to be honest it’s life changing. I think I never will be the same person again :(
So I do understand you and I wish I could help anyone with this so that’s why I came onto this forum as I hope my post will help you even if it’s a little help. Lots and lots of hugs x

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