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Im writing my birth plan...

this is my home birth one if it's of any use - lots of things are the same TBH :)

Thank you for attending our birth. We are looking forward to a birth process that is as calm and natural as possible, and we appreciate your assistance with this.

My birth companion is my husband, xxx.

Please make yourselves comfortable in our home. Help yourselves to drinks and do let my husband know if we can help you in anyway.

I will be trying to remain in a state of relaxation using ‘Hypnobirthing’ techniques (see below for more info) throughout labour and birthing. For this reason, we would prefer you address any non-emergency detailed medical discussions with xxx in the first instance. I want him to be fully involved in decision making if interventions are suggested. We hope to fully understand the purpose and the pros and cons of any deviations from a normal, natural labour. Though we appreciate that time for discussion may not always be possible in an emergency situation.

We will be trying to keep the light and noise levels low during labour and birthing. We may play some relaxation scripts or music.
I intend to use a birth pool in the kitchen for labour and plan to get out and use a birth stool to deliver in the dining area, although nothing is set in stone and we’d like to go with what feels right at the time.
I have a TENS machine and birth ball available.

I would prefer to minimise internal examinations. If we do decide an examination is necessary, I would prefer not to be told how dilated I am unless 9 or more cm.

Please do not encourage xxx to look at my ‘physical’ progress or the head crowning.

I do not want my membranes artificially ruptured. If you feel this is necessary, please explain and discuss this with us.

Please try not to refer to 'pain'. I would prefer to be asked more generally how I'm feeling. Please do not offer any pain relief other than gas and air – in particular pethadine or similar. If I feel I need it, myself or xxx will ask you.

In the event of a slow or stalled labour, we would like the opportunity and the privacy to use natural techniques to increase oxytocin production.

So long as the baby and I are in good health, I may remain quite immobile during the labour process to aid my relaxation techniques. However, we would appreciate your suggestions for different positions to try during labour or birthing in the event that my discomfort levels are increased or our baby's descent is slowing.

I plan to use the hypnobirthing technique of breathing our baby out. I would ask that you try to refrain from encouraging me to 'push'.

xxx does not want to cut the cord.

Please do not clean or rub our baby down unless necessary to evoke a response. We would ideally like to leave the vernix in place.

We are expecting a baby boy, but we would like to confirm the sex of our baby ourselves please.

I would like to have skin to skin time with our baby following birth and to encourage him to breastfeed.

We would like to wait until the umbilical cord has completely stopped pulsating before severing, and preferably wait until the placenta has been delivered.

I would like a natural 3rd stage.

I would like the opportunity to look at and for my husband to photograph the placenta (we actually ended up keeping it!)

We are happy for our baby to receive Vitamin K via injection.

How You Can Assist the Woman using HypnoBirthing

Thank you for taking the time to learn about how you, the obstetrical care provider, can work with the HypnoBirthing family.

*This family will appreciate your efforts to keep the room quiet and the lights low.

*Women practicing HypnoBirthing often do not move around much. Allow her to relax comfortably in whatever position she chooses, unless medical conditions warrant otherwise.

*When she is in hypnosis, she is very receptive to suggestion. For this reason, please avoid references to pain, medications and procedures. Be assured she will ask for analgesia or anaesthesia if she feels she needs it.

*Please refer to 'surges' or 'waves' rather than 'contractions' and 'birth or birthing' instead of 'labour'. Instead of 'pain', refer to 'pressure' that she may be feeling. If you wish to help her with visualizations, deepening of her hypnosis, etc. ask the birthing companion what words and phrases she prefers to us.

*She is accustomed to respond to her companion's voice and touch by deepening her state of relaxation. She will pay little attention to other voices when she is in hypnosis. You may wish to speak to her birthing companion when information needs to be conveyed.

*Encourage her birthing companion to stay close to her, and use the techniques taught in the course to deepen her relaxation as needed. He or she may need to be reminded to become more active in keeping her relaxed, and try alternative HypnoBirthing suggestions as labour intensity increases.

*When her dilation is complete, allow her to continue deep relaxation until she spontaneously feels the urge to push. She has been taught to 'breathe her baby down' with the release of air, rather than Valsalva pushing to the count of 10. Please do not loudly cheer her on or tell her to hold her breath and 'push, push, push'.

We hope you enjoy helping this family with their HypnoBirthing experience.
How You Can Assist the Woman using HypnoBirthing

Thank you for taking the time to learn about how you, the obstetrical care provider, can work with the HypnoBirthing family.

*This family will appreciate your efforts to keep the room quiet and the lights low.

*Women practicing HypnoBirthing often do not move around much. Allow her to relax comfortably in whatever position she chooses, unless medical conditions warrant otherwise.

*When she is in hypnosis, she is very receptive to suggestion. For this reason, please avoid references to pain, medications and procedures. Be assured she will ask for analgesia or anaesthesia if she feels she needs it.

*Please refer to 'surges' or 'waves' rather than 'contractions' and 'birth or birthing' instead of 'labour'. Instead of 'pain', refer to 'pressure' that she may be feeling. If you wish to help her with visualizations, deepening of her hypnosis, etc. ask the birthing companion what words and phrases she prefers to us.

*She is accustomed to respond to her companion's voice and touch by deepening her state of relaxation. She will pay little attention to other voices when she is in hypnosis. You may wish to speak to her birthing companion when information needs to be conveyed.

*Encourage her birthing companion to stay close to her, and use the techniques taught in the course to deepen her relaxation as needed. He or she may need to be reminded to become more active in keeping her relaxed, and try alternative HypnoBirthing suggestions as labour intensity increases.

*When her dilation is complete, allow her to continue deep relaxation until she spontaneously feels the urge to push. She has been taught to 'breathe her baby down' with the release of air, rather than Valsalva pushing to the count of 10. Please do not loudly cheer her on or tell her to hold her breath and 'push, push, push'.

We hope you enjoy helping this family with their HypnoBirthing experience.
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I love this birth plan MM, I feel it emphasises that it is you and your families experience and the focus is on you, the expert. All too often healthcare professionals seem to 'take over' and I know from working in the community that there's nothing worse than people not being able to voice their own thoughts or feelings around their care, seeing the HCP as the expert.
And did the care providers take time to read your birth plan, or was it something they were aware of already?
This was such a big help Lisa, thank you for sharing it! I'm definatly going to borrow some points! x did they stick to the birth plan? x
WOW! u girls all sound so focused. and i think its brill that know exactly what you want. i wish i was morn like this, i havnt got a clue what i want on my birth plan
I've been very fortunate both times my birth plan has been stuck to to the letter. The homebirth plan was read by every MW who stepped foot in my house. The first thing the mw who delivered Sid did when she arrived was sit and read it. The mws at the birth centre when I had Hebe stuck to it too. After the home birth she asked me how I felt it went and if I was happy with the experience and outcome in respect to my plan.

I STRONGLY advise anyone to write a plan. Even if your labour isnt exactly how you envisaged, you can still retain control - even if only on small things like what you want to do after or whatever. And you may be fortunate like me and have the kind of mws who care that you have the experience you'd hoped for. :)
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Thanks for that, I don't know if you saw my other thread about whether staff actually read or stuck to birth plans. I will write one and make it very available for staff, although I fear hospital situations may be less responsive!
Just make sure they know it's important to you that it's read and stuck and make sure your OH or birth partners are familiar with it too - my OH had paper copies of his own and it on his Blackberry! :lol: He also knew without referring to it, which things we very important to me, so drum it in to them too.
Laminated, stuck on my tummy!! My OH is quite good at remembering wee details and sticks to his guns so he'll be good to have as my advocate! Thanks!
they didnt pay much attension to my birth plan with alex but i made them read it with my first issabelle and they were quite good although none of it worked out haha!! :D bloomin hospitals hahaha!!!
Thats really similar to what I have too - Im still waiting to find out if there are dimmer switches in the delivery unit Im going to, I dont want this baby coming out to bright lights. Good one Tiny! xx

I took a lamp with me when i had DS as they didnt have dimmer switches and i get headache in bright lights! Think that midwives thought i was crazy.

^^^^^^ :rotfl: images of crazy woman in labour cluching a bedside lamp hahahahahaha *rolls over laughing*
Thats really similar to what I have too - Im still waiting to find out if there are dimmer switches in the delivery unit Im going to, I dont want this baby coming out to bright lights. Good one Tiny! xx

I took a lamp with me when i had DS as they didnt have dimmer switches and i get headache in bright lights! Think that midwives thought i was crazy.


You can get little battery operated tea lights so you can have 'candle light' in the hospital :)

Ha ha!! Wasnt just a lamp.... it was actually more of a floor standing 5 foot tall Ikea thing! I also had about 5 pillows, and 2 bags full of stuff i never ended up using like nail varnish, dvd player puzzle books. Think i had the impression i was going on a long journey somewhere and would need something to prevent boredom!! ha ha..... mistake! x
Ha ha!! Wasnt just a lamp.... it was actually more of a floor standing 5 foot tall Ikea thing! I also had about 5 pillows, and 2 bags full of stuff i never ended up using like nail varnish, dvd player puzzle books. Think i had the impression i was going on a long journey somewhere and would need something to prevent boredom!! ha ha..... mistake! x

:rofl:Love it!!
Ha ha!! Wasnt just a lamp.... it was actually more of a floor standing 5 foot tall Ikea thing! I also had about 5 pillows, and 2 bags full of stuff i never ended up using like nail varnish, dvd player puzzle books. Think i had the impression i was going on a long journey somewhere and would need something to prevent boredom!! ha ha..... mistake! x

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: omg my sides are splitting now lol!! ive got to tell hubby this!! bless ya x x x did they let you use the lamp in the end hun>?? x
Yeah they did actually!! ha ha, they're probably still laughing about it too! What an idiot hey! I think the best part was when my mum insisted on cleaning the whole delivery suite down with alcohol wipes only for us to get moved room 5 minutes later xx

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