i'm still breastfeeding at 2yrs :)

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But off the same bat, mumma's who FF also have to overcome challenges, maybe not the same challenges, but challenges nevertheless, and most definitely face a lot of negative comments - which is why FF mumma's, like myself, tend to get a bit defensive (rightly or wrongly)! We've overcome a lot too. I FF my child. I have a happy, healthy, well adjusted child - i'm giving myself a pat on the back.

Don't get me wrong, I really to not begrudge anyone's decisions on how they decide to care for their child. I think we all do a wonderful job :)
I agree Rooster. Ff mums (like me) also have challenges and negative comments to contend with.

It doesn't and shouldn't have to be a bf v ff debate. We are all mums, we all feed our babies, we all do the best we can for our children, we should ALL feel proud of ourselves and we ALL deserve a big fat 'well done' no matter how our children are fed.
Exactly what above have said, I've had a heck of a lot of negative comments from other mums cause I dont bf. But you know what, we'll grew babies for nine months, successfully brought them into this world and feed, love and care for them. That's a massive accomplishment. Bf mums do no more for their babies than any other mum who doesn't. We all have accomplished something and deserve to feel proud. Bf doesn't set anyone apart as being a better mum or having done anything more than any other mum to be proud of. I wholeheartedly agree it shouldn't be ff mums be bf mums, hence my original point, why the big deal about how long someone's breast fed their child?is anyone going to say well done to me when I've been ff my child for two years....? Wouldn't expect them to, doing what I have to as a mum, feed my child. Feeding out children doesn't deserve any praise, the blooming good job of carrying, having and veining up babies in general is a major accomplishment, for that we all deserve a massive pat on our backs!!
And yet insead of saying "well done" to the OP for what she is proud to have accomplished most of the thread is turning into defending the personal choice to FF? No one was ever trying to have a go at mums who FF. I understand its a sensitive subject and we are not here to judge others but there is nothing wrong with being supportive and celebrating with others when they feel they have accomplished something? The OP never said she was doing better than anyone else. the only thing she commented on is that not everyone is positive about her choices, which is something any mum can understand weather FFing or BFing.
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I breastfed for 13 months and it's one of the proudest things I've accomplished but noway do I think I'm better than my formula feeding counterpart! If you want to be proud for feeding your baby by whatever means noones going to stop you being proud, you can be proud of anything you think merits it. I don't ask for a congratulations from anyone but im still very proud as I found it very difficult from the beginning and was solely responsible for every single feed she had. I was able to manage her reflux and colic through my diet and stopped her from getting a couple of stomach bugs both hubby and I had. I watch her pile on the pounds and grow into a wonderful little toddler and it was thanks to something I was producing. That's why I'm proud and why im doing it again with this one.
Couldn't give two hoots if I see someone bottle feeding'/breast feeding etc etc as like you've all said so long as a baby is fed, loved and taken care of that's all that matters!
Yes ultimately feeding a baby and them being happy and healthy is all that matters. I suppose the point is that if it doesn't matter how it's done why is it that people insist on, for want of a better word, boasting about how long they have breastfed for. It's not really a competition now is it? Or is it?!

Regardless how proud you are why do other people then have to pat you on the back for it?
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I guess it depends on the individual? Most people I know are proud but don't think they're owed any congratulations. I certainly dont. Boasting is a trait someone has, nothing to do with breastfeeding or being proud of it. It happens when people talk about natural births and their labour vs csections, every single mile stone a child takes etc etc.
I am proud of breastfeeding. I ate nothing but rice for two months because of my LOs allergies. I fed her when she made my nipples raw. I fed her during pregnancy when I wanted to scream every time she touched me. I did those things because I felt I was doing what was best for her. I am proud of it, why shouldn't I be? People post for all sorts of reasons from wanting to rant about a bad day to being excited their new pram arrived. Being happy that you have made it to 2yrs BFing and wanting to share that with others seems like a nice reason to post, it doesn't seem like the OP wanted to boast, judge others or get their backs up.
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Why is this now a debate!? Well done OP for feeding for 2 years. I've fed all three of mine and it's an incredible achievement and I'll happily 'boast' about it! I don't need anyone else to pat me on the back I'll do that myself! Xxx
I don't see any boasting by the OP or any criticism of formula feeders. Given how few people in our society are able to breastfeed their babies for as long as they want (for a whole host of reasons), I think she is absolutely entitled to be proud of and share her achievement in reaching the two year milestone.
I don't think any mother should he particularly congratulated on feeding their child no matter how they do it. Babies/children need fed, feed them, a bf mum doesn't deserve to be congratulated any more than a bottle feeding mum. It's your baby you feed it yes, no congrats needed it's your child of.course you should feed it!

I just read this as at two years I'm still feeding my child. Good!

OMG did you just say that?? Thats like me saying whoopy doo you've had a baby!! My post was aimed at mummys who wanted good SUPPORT AND REASUREANCE that its possible to feed your child to and into a toddler age.

That quote you have just stated is less what of some support to women on here.

I suggest you may want to go let of your thoughts else where...

Team Breast and happy boobie days to all you breast feeding yummy mummies
Well ive carried on reading through the thread and im disapointed by the ladies jumping on the band wagon at the bf ladies making it a debate with the ff ladies. I never once stated i cant stand ff, or anything of that context, However what alot of ff ladies dont realise how difficult it is to actually bf.
I can go into if anyone wishes, however my point was yes i am a proud bf mummy and wanted to give support to other bf mummies, who are ever in doubt because of the neativity that surrounds them when bf.
A lot of "ff mums" understand very well how hard it is to Breast feed. I expressed day and night for my son who couldn't feed for a month. Not all ff mums (in fact I'd say the majority) just chose not to Breast feed, a lot have had issues such as latching issues, milk supply issues, allergy issues, reflux issues etc. thst meant they couldn't continue and formula was the best for their baby sometimes bf mums don't realise how hard it is to feel like you've failed.

I've been challenged a number of times by people who wants to know why I'm not Breast feeding as if it makes me a bad mother.

It's great you're still bf 2 years on if that's your wish (I don't feel i woukd have but that's personal preference) and congrats for that.
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Well ive carried on reading through the thread and im disapointed by the ladies jumping on the band wagon at the bf ladies making it a debate with the ff ladies. I never once stated i cant stand ff, or anything of that context, However what alot of ff ladies dont realise how difficult it is to actually bf.
I can go into if anyone wishes, however my point was yes i am a proud bf mummy and wanted to give support to other bf mummies, who are ever in doubt because of the neativity that surrounds them when bf.

I was sort of on your side untill you turned around and said that alot of FF ladies don't understand how hard it is to breastfeed.

I can tell you now that pumpkin, jojo, myself amoungst a whole load of other members endured hard times

I breast fed untill 8 weeks where my son dropped 2 centiles and was diagnosed with severe reflux. Which he still has now regardless of high doses of meds each day

We all know it's hard work breast feeding - I think the issue here is - you've come on and bombarded the forum with lots of breastfeeding breastfeeding breast feeding - tapping yourself on the back ( you deserve it of course )

There is a whole section for breast feeding as there is a section for formula feeding - for very good reasons

It's abit of a smack in the face to those whom can't due to 1 reason or another

I'm not saying that some of the responses to your thread are correct - but on the flip side - sometimes alittle bit of compassion is needed as it is upsetting to some who havnt been able to
Again this thread ISNT about taking sides. Its about support to ladies experiencing the bf journey. Im not asking for a pat on the back, far from it, i was sharing my experience with the ladies who choose to bf. Where have i bombarded the forum?? 1 thread regarding bf.

Jojo my thread and posts arnt swipping at ff mothers, not one bit, however if people understood bf and the if/why's then they would have a better dealing with sucess at bf.

You cant pull me down as no one even knows my story on my journey.
I think it's just a very sensitive subject. Like Bex says it's best placed in the bf section. There's a lot of mums who would have loved to be in your place but couldn't for various reasons. I don't agree in being on one side or another, they both have their own ups and down. We all do amazing jobs in our own ways!
Again this thread ISNT about taking sides. Its about support to ladies experiencing the bf journey. Im not asking for a pat on the back, far from it, i was sharing my experience with the ladies who choose to bf. Where have i bombarded the forum?? 1 thread regarding bf.

Jojo my thread and posts arnt swipping at ff mothers, not one bit, however if people understood bf and the if/why's then they would have a better dealing with sucess at bf.

You cant pull me down as no one even knows my story on my journey.

I'm not taking sides nor want to know your journey

I remember you posting 3 threads and 2/3 were about BF

Your I'm back thread or something then your BF thread - your well within your entitlements to post whatever you want to

But don't turn and say FF mums don't understand - because like they don't know your storey - you don't know there's either

I'm saying well done - just be abit considerate
Again this thread ISNT about taking sides. Its about support to ladies experiencing the bf journey. Im not asking for a pat on the back, far from it, i was sharing my experience with the ladies who choose to bf. Where have i bombarded the forum?? 1 thread regarding bf.

Jojo my thread and posts arnt swipping at ff mothers, not one bit, however if people understood bf and the if/why's then they would have a better dealing with sucess at bf.

You cant pull me down as no one even knows my story on my journey.

I'm very insulted. You think I don't understand breastfeeding? Do you think I'm stupid?! I had midwives trying for 4 days in hospital, I had specialists come and see me, A 30 minute feed was an hour by the time I fed then sat and expressed another half hour and with 3 hourly feeds that adds up to a lot of time soent away from being able to deal with my son. was poked and prodded and I certainly did not give in easily and after a 3 day labour and an emergency c section at 9cm it was very diffucult and stressful. I find it insulting you think my "failure" was because i don't understand it. Maybe you need to grab a bit of compassion. I didn't say you were swiping at ff mums but you certainly did a good job of it just there! Well done.
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