Im so lazy

me too hehe. I havent done anything at all for the whole day!!! :yay:
Ooh! For once I may have out done you on the housework!! lol!

Put all the pots away, done a load of washing, ironned all Jamie's work shirts and had a whip round the living room! :smug: Not much but it's a start! I've got about 3 loads of washing left and then i'm all on top of it all too - love the feeling when you've no washing!!
ooh, yep you win today! Unless I have my mad rush of frenzied sorting...nope aint gonna happen today. Ive been awake since 5.30am!
Yeah - I didn't get my backside out of bed until about 11am :blush:

Hoping my nesting kicks in soon! Could do with a clean house before babe makes his/her appearance!
yeah thats what I keep thinking. I panic that everything has to be perfect. My mum was taking the piss out of me today saying, just as well youve done the skirting boards cos if you brought the baby home and he wasnt impressed with the state of the skirting boards he might ring social services and ask to be rehomed. Ha bloody ha! I just want to start off with a clean house cos the amount of visits we'll have from midwives, health visitors, neighbours and friends I dont wanna be constantly apologising for the state of the place.
im the exact same now totally lazy since i got pregnant my whole days consists of telly food and laptop long as i have them im sorted lol.
my task for tomorrow is wash all baby clothes x
okay well OH is watching the most boring documentary about ship wrecks and explosions so Im in th estudy finally sorting it out, listening to glee soundtrack and checking PF, its gonna be slow progress but at least its in the right direction!!
haha i used 2 have that problem all the time but now my bf goes on the desktop and he has a pair of headphones so he pluggs them in when listening to his crappy documentaries lol

sounds like a good idea im just waiting on big brother starting think i may go for a bath x
:yay: what time she arriving? did you get everything done?!
her plane arrives at 11 but she wont be here until maybe half 12 :love:
i did get most things done.. rest i can get away with.. and to treat myself i ordered pizza :D
yay! good for you! Bet youre so excited to see her!!! Im slowwwwly getting stuff done in here. Im making myself empty 1 bag or box before allowing myself a stint on PF, I seem to be spending longer sessions on PF than unpacking tho!! :rofl:
haha oh well!
you got plenty of time til tuesday to sort things out :love:
you might aswell get your self comfy in the sofa :D
funny funny Miss!!! Ill probably have another 2 weeks.... :clock:

ooh just as I typed that I started a MASSIVE BH. I feel like someones squeezing my cervix from the outside... I kinda want the pain now so I can call them real contractions!
^^^ I know what you mean, I had a HUGE BH about 9pm accompanied by period pain and then the aching went right round my back. Had nothing since though :-(
:rofl: bring it on!!!!

Pregnancy makes me slightly scary I think!
It makes me a bit :looped: too...!

Really hope he/she turns up soon. Jamie's really been getting it in the neck, i've been so awful to the poor sod the past few weeks :-(

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