baby evacutation techniques....

i was ment to be having 1 at 41+4 but talked my midwife into 40+4 :-)
although i'm sure the more sex we have has gotta be very simular to have a sweep???
This is true! Although have to say oh hasn't been doing much sweeping of late iykwim. God, you know you've been pregnant for too long when you'd take a membrane sweep over sex!
weve been doing it more than ever this last week. i dont even care if i dont get anything out of it. lol how bad is that!
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Where my SIL works, under the consultant they do sweeps early as they want their high risk women to go into labour naturally before their due date - thats why I have to go to the hospital for mine as the community MW's wont touch you before your due date apparently, although Im going to bribe mine tomorrow if I can :)
Omg is that a recent bump pic tiny?! You look fit to drop! I reckon babba will be here within the week! It's the shape of it I think!

yup thats todays bump. Soooo good to hear you reckon its ready to go! :yay: Im thinking it might have dropped but I dunno how to tell really!
yeah thats what I think too, looking a lot flatter. this is my bump a last week, was a lot more forward then


  • my 37 week bump 011.jpg
    my 37 week bump 011.jpg
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I'm doing walking and more walking tomorrow - in the hope it brings about babe - but after 3 sweeps with last babe i was still 10 days over so babe will come when ready as frustrating as that is!
yeah thats what I think too, looking a lot flatter. this is my bump a last week, was a lot more forward then

Tiny your bump is gorgeous - mine looks like a Zeppelin or a mutated Mr Greedy!!

Im looking forward to my bump being totally flat! :lol:
I will be doing NO evacuating for the next day or two. Went shopping with my gran yesterday and as she's blind she's not much help so I carried WAY too much :-( My hips and back are in agony today! Couldn't sleep much last night either - so for once i'm wishing baby a few more days of R&R before he/she enters the world so Mummy's hips can recover!

I agree with you tiny, bump definately looks different! Hopefully the little guy has started to engage :D You never know, there's been a lot of well behaved babies recently :-) Xx
Tasha you've just cursed yourself asking for some r&r, you kbow you won't get it now don't you :lol:
Tasha you've just cursed yourself asking for some r&r, you kbow you won't get it now don't you :lol:

:rofl: I did think's having a good kick about now too :roll:

Off back to bed to see if I can catch up on my sleep in case I do get forced into labour - which, of course, would be terrible ;) "Oh GET OUT GET OUT CHILD!!" Hehe! :lol:
thanks RM :)

Evajo, its a nice sunny day so Im gonna be stomping the hills round here, theyre pretty steep so I get a real workout just going for a walk!

Im really hoping that tonights full moon should help my cause! Get some zzzz now Tash, youve cursed yourself!!! :lol:
Hell I need to get the trimmer out, MMGAI - you have just reminded me talking about best knickers..
best pants, good plan!! WE're having curry for dinner tonight! :lol:

I googled it and some people think the full moon thing is something to do with getting loads of light even during the night. It affects your hormone levels aparently. Im gonna make sure i get loads of sunshine today to try and trigger something. Think I might sleep with the curtains open too :)

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