I'm so angry!! Update.

That sounds majorly guilty to me..if more than one of your friends have noticed she is carrying around your scan pic then it looks a bit suspicious, they wouldn't all say the same thing..and saying she has had a miscarriage seems like an easy way to get out of being caught..
i think she's the sort of person you just need to steer well clear of... its blatently attention seeking behaviour cos something's not right in her life...

i had a similar(ish) incident when i was at school. my closest friend died after an illness, and a mutual friend (who wasn't particularly close to either of us) went round telling the entire school that her best friend had died and that everyone needed to be sympathetic to her. she turned up at the funeral in a low cut top and mini skirt.
sorry but i think she must be sick in the head to do something like this, especially to her parnts as well.

I would definately confrnt her though..good luck :hug:

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