I'm off....*updated with pics, if anyone is interested :)*


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

Am going out tonight for first time in ages and i am so looking forward to it, can't get too p****d as kids are staying at home with my sis (gotta book her weeks in advance :roll: )
If they were at my mums it would be a differant story :rotfl:

So place your orders now and i will have a drink for you all!!!!!!

Btw it is a breast cancer charity thing involving Oh's footie team so i shall get some pics hopefully :D
have a JD and cock on me hun :D
hope you have a fantastic nite hun, enjoy yourself loads its not every nite you get lose withought the kids :twisted:

:rotfl: Well both could be arranged i suppose!!!
have a lovely time Jo :hug:

don't go flashing your tits around though
Have a great time and have a Strongbow Cirrus and a Gin and Tonic with 2 slices of Lime for me please mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
budge said:
have a lovely time Jo :hug:

don't go flashing your tits around though

Youd need a magnifying glass!!!!!!!!!

plan on having a great one!!!

Have a great time!!
Im suppost to go out for a few drinks tonight as well its for my sisters birthday except i wok eup with a very sore throught and am all stuffed up im praying i feel better in a few hours :pray:
jo said:
budge said:
have a lovely time Jo :hug:

don't go flashing your tits around though

Youd need a magnifying glass!!!!!!!!!

oh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks girls i had a great night (only 3 hours sleep though!!!)
sorry i didn't have the cider as i tend to go a bit homacidal on that!!!

I have loads of pics and will post them later if any one wants to see them, when i can focus better :rotfl:
If truth be told i think i still have quite a bit of alchol in my system at the mo :oops:
Glad you had a fab night :cheer:

Look foward to seeing many drunken pics :lol:
glad you had a fab time hun but one question did you manage to get my order in :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Well i had the JD and COKE, nicked someone elses not keen :?
as for the other wel that would be telling :D
:rotfl: :rotfl:
oh go on just tell us you know were all dying to know the glory details :rotfl: :rotfl: :fib:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
A lady never tells :wink:

bloody hell just transfering pics and I/we took 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a lot are not in focus :rotfl: :rotfl:

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