I'm off....*updated with pics, if anyone is interested :)*

you sure its just you thats not focused and not the pics :rotfl: :rotfl:

post all the pics up i wanna see if theirs any hunky men :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ok here goes sorry in advance if there is loads :D

Me and OH

OH, Jamie and Fred

Me and Longy

Trish, Bev(my best drinking bud :D ) and Me

Longy (nicked my glasses and thought he was milky bar kid :roll: )

Jimmy, Me Bev and Longy

*just for record that cig isn't lit i had just nicked it off someone!!!*

Longy and Sam up for auction :)

Right i think that will do, sorry for boring you all :D
JO, wicked..i'm so you had a good night..i went out friday night as i said, i got hammered! lol i spent all day yesterday recovering till my mum dropped hayden back at about 6..

man i felt rough :puke: but it was so worth it! :cheer:
weestar21 said:
i would be fibbing if i said he was ugly :lol:

Yeah you would!!!!
bless him he is lovely

Do you know i feel really good, if a little tired, i have been working on my strawberry :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: what a load of pissed up nutters you all look! :cheer: :cheer: i love it!
You pissheads ;)

Looks like you all had a great night :cheer:
:rotfl: :rotfl: erm i was slightley tipsy thats all :fib: :rotfl: :rotfl:

OH not impressed with the pic of us i put up lol

mind you i look horrid in them all, was annoyed 'cos it started raing as we were walking up so my hair pinged :x
i reckon you looked fabulous Jo. A total nut case! Just how i imagined you!

you know id go as far as to say my smurf suit would suit you :D
and thats the biggest complement i could give anyone.
Wow thank you Budge that is the biggest honour i have ever been given :D
Budge i have come to a desicion sp?

If you live near me i think we should have a night out
what a riot that would be!!!
is this smurf suit up for sale by any chance and what size is it

i would llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllovvvvveeeeeeeee
to get my mittens on one been looking on ebay for about 3 years for one but no luck :lol: :lol: :lol:

their was a celebration shop in larkhall but im more than sure they shut down. Im going in tomoz so will go down all the side streets and double check :D

im so excited hopefully i can get one for haloween :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:think: well if thay have shut they should close website down!!!!

Budge are you gonna take me up pn my offer :rotfl:

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