I'm not feeding her AGAIN!


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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I've already given in!! I don't know how else to cope with her!!

I feed her whenever she cries, because nothing else will stop her. I can't settle her with a dummy, she just won't take it, and hubby can settle her briefly, but I can't!

She had a feed at 9.30pm, then woke up at 11.30pm, fine, except she's still going. She's fallen asleep twice, so I've tried to put her down, but she just starts crying again. I read posts elsewhere about you guys settling them in the night- how?!

I'm so exhausted and sore!
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are you solely breast feeding hun? I found that I had to give in and give one formula feed as her last feed at night (to get the most hours sleep out of her) which was between 12-1am. I found that as soon as I introduced this 4oz feed, she started sleeping a solid 6 hours at night. She is now on 6oz feed, some night of which she will only take 4-5oz but is now sleeping solidly for 8 hours. Some mornings I'm waking her up for her morning feed! This is the only formula feed that she has though. I am very strict on the rest of the day and night is purely breast or expressed breastmilk in a bottle.

I know you may not want to go over to formula for help but, it really helped me. As I said though I am very strict on it only being the one feed though at night. Might be worth a go if you are really struggling. Even if its just to get her into some sort of routine with it and then try her without it and back on breast?

:hug: xx
Thanks hun. I think I might give that a go. I didn't want to go over, but if it works for you and doesn't interrupt bf then 'll def try it.

Thank you!
I know it's difficult but this stage doesn't last forever, C was the same at Sophia's age and I felt like more of a milk machine than a Mommy! It doesn't last forever though, she will soon settle into shorter feeds with more time inbetween. I think they get more efficient at sucking as they get older so it doesn't take them as long :) If you find a formula feed works for at night and works for Sophia as well then great, I just wanted to tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel, it's just not in view right now :) Good luck!
I have always put Matt in the bed with me, he reached out and touches me with his arm and goes straight to sleep no matter how unsettled he is. I pull the crib alongside the bed so there are rails there and he can't go anywhere. I love it because it shows me that he wants his mummy close to him :)
God yeah, I remember thinking it was never ever gonna end, but trust me she will get better!! The first 6 weeks are probably the hardest but I promise it'll improve :)
Have you tried feeding her while lying on your side? Then you can both go to sleep without having to move her x
I second what Becky said. First 6 weeks - horrible. The rest of the time - wonderful, brilliant, amazing, worth the hard slog the first 6 weeks.

At 6 weeks I introduced feeding on my side in bed. I do it about 8-9pm, lights very low, just me and him no other noise. I then usually fall asleep with him and Shaun will put him in his cot when he comes to bed or if I don't fall asleep, I wait a good hour before moving him. If I try move him sooner he wakes up and then takes me hours to settle him again.

Good luck, it's so hard at first but promise it gets easier and is worth it.

I always do last feed (about 11pm) laid down on the bed,he seems to take a longer feed that way then settles off into a deep sleep really quickly. I'm still persevering,we have good days and bad days-had a couple of bad days,today included were he fed every hour and a half thru the night and every 2 hours today,he doesn't settle well in between either so can't catch up on my sleep xx
Glad its not just me - Maia is constantly wanting fed at the moment and think my boobs are about to drop off! They are killing. Especially at night she just wants to feed constantly. Tried doing a formula feed as last one at night but that seems to give her really bad wind so keeps her (and us!) awake anyway. Have been feeding on my side in bed now, but still as soon as she goes back into her moses basket she wakes up and starts looking for more. Also worry that am over feeding her or that theres not enough milk coming out when she is breastfeeding. So hard and am turning into a zombie with the lack of sleep :0(
jasmine was starting to settle but last few nights she has been really restless i may try a formula rvening feed too. Am currently feeling very inadequate and more like a milk machine at the mo :0/
Know what you mean!!
I have now started expressing every evening for the following evenings feeds so I dont have to have a baby permanently attached. I wouldn't give formula simply because the milk is there, why not just express it and give it in a bottle? I feed mine at about 8.10pm and she sleeps til at least 3 am if not 5, feed her lying down then put her straight back and voila she's asleep til 7.30-8am! Magic but I swear by that last bottle. I get 6oz and she usually finishes it, depending on when her last feed was.
The only reason we introduced the formula feed as her last bottle at night was to settle her more. Every baby is different though. Formula milk takes longer for them to digest than breastmilk which is why formula fed babies tend to feed less than breast fed babies (from what i've been told/read). The one formula feed hasn't interfered with my bf as I pump during that feed session (means daddy gets to feed baby ;-)) so the milk is still coming out so to speak. As with anything though, it's trial and error. We all work out what is best for us and baby in the end! xx
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after reading everyones comments i am going to make a last ditch attempt at expressing enough through the day to make up a night feed and see how it goes. jasmine is a bit of a piggy in the evening though lol
I've already started a bedtime routine with Maisie she'll have a 4 oz expressed feed at about 8.30 then she'll come in the bath with me after i get her in her pj's then she'll come on the boob for about 20 mins so she's in bed asleep by 9.30 pm she wakes at 2 am for a feed then again at 6 am sometimes she wont settle at 2am so i just feed her on my side and we both fall asleep xx

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