I'm moving house before the baby is born!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2005
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:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Great timing huh????

The possession order went back to court yesterday, and the judge granted it and has given us 14 days to get out!!!!!!!! :shock: :dance:

I rang the council and we are now classed as a 'family in crisis'! We've been like that for bloody years!!! :rotfl: Anyway, I told her that my section is booked for the 31st, and she said they would aim to move us before then! Unfortunately they can't do anything until the paperwork comes from the court (totally understandable), so if it comes today or tomorrow, I can go to the council tomorrow and pick up the keys for our temporary accomodation!! :dance:

It will be in Loughborough, which is about 10 miles away from where we currently are, but hopefully should be a house and not a flat or hostel. :pray: They have 2 houses available as of yesterday, but they can't even put one as taken until they see the paperwork. So as long as no-one else beats us to it, we should be okay. This is only temporary, but that could mean anything up to 8 months until they can house us properly, but at least it's the first step to getting settled. I asked about Kayleigh getting to school as I won't be able to drive after my section, and she said that social services will provide either a daily taxi, or a bus pass, depending on where we are.

I'm now panicking about the little things - what if we can't have Sky? What if we can't get Broadband? :shock: What if there isn't a cooker in the house? What if I can't fit the dishwasher in the kitchen!!! :rotfl:

At least it's taken my mind off the birth!!! :rotfl:
Omg Tankett thats is great news after the hassle you had, But 2 weeks bloody hell girl thats pushing it :shock:

nice to see you worry about the priorites like sky and broadband :rotfl:

you must be feeling so much better now, but now you gotta pack up, don't envy you that job hun
I still have stuff in boxes in attic from 9 yrs ago :rotfl:

so pleased for you hun :hug:
tankett said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Great timing huh????

The possession order went back to court yesterday, and the judge granted it and has given us 14 days to get out!!!!!!!! :shock: :dance:

I rang the council and we are now classed as a 'family in crisis'! We've been like that for bloody years!!! :rotfl: Anyway, I told her that my section is booked for the 31st, and she said they would aim to move us before then! Unfortunately they can't do anything until the paperwork comes from the court (totally understandable), so if it comes today or tomorrow, I can go to the council tomorrow and pick up the keys for our temporary accomodation!! :dance:

It will be in Loughborough, which is about 10 miles away from where we currently are, but hopefully should be a house and not a flat or hostel. :pray: They have 2 houses available as of yesterday, but they can't even put one as taken until they see the paperwork. So as long as no-one else beats us to it, we should be okay. This is only temporary, but that could mean anything up to 8 months until they can house us properly, but at least it's the first step to getting settled. I asked about Kayleigh getting to school as I won't be able to drive after my section, and she said that social services will provide either a daily taxi, or a bus pass, depending on where we are.

I'm now panicking about the little things - what if we can't have Sky? What if we can't get Broadband? :shock: What if there isn't a cooker in the house? What if I can't fit the dishwasher in the kitchen!!! :rotfl:

At least it's taken my mind off the birth!!! :rotfl:

wow what a calamity! :hug: you'll be fine though - i moved on the day my eldest was born and i survived. Just let veveryone do all the hard work and you supervise them.
glad things are finaly moving for you now then its one step closer to a loely secure family home. you have so much on your plate right now... last thing you need is an early baby :shock:

i think you have so much going on but you seem so strong ild be stressing so much. i moved house while preg with Dior i had her a week later think all the hard work made her come early :roll:
remember stay calm let ur Daughter and OH do all the work hope all goes well hun
Well the bright side is it probably easier to move with LO inside you than out in the real world but rememeber you cannot do much! Just supervise and as long as your bed,and the cot are up and the steriliser plugged in you'll be fine :D
skatty said:
Well the bright side is it probably easier to move with LO inside you than out in the real world but rememeber you cannot do much! Just supervise and as long as your bed,and the cot are up and the steriliser plugged in you'll be fine :D

The cot is still flat-packed at my Mums house - it's been there months!! We have the moses basket here, and the essentials (steriliser, monitor, clothes, nappies, baby bath, etc), but the cot, cot bedding, curtains, and everything else is at my mums. It'll be nice just to be able to get the curtains up somewhere!

Still waiting for the postie to see if the letter is here. :roll:
About time you were moving, but maybe not a week before your section!!
Hope you get a house, can have broadband and everything too! My friend had Sky in her temporary accomodation, but she did end up being there nearly 2 years! :shock:
Sami said:
but she did end up being there nearly 2 years! :shock:

Thanks for cheering me up Sami! :evil: (only joking, I know it may take a while! :hug: )

The postie has just walked straight past my house. :(
tankett said:
Sami said:
but she did end up being there nearly 2 years! :shock:

Thanks for cheering me up Sami! :evil: (only joking, I know it may take a while! :hug: )

The postie has just walked straight past my house. :(

LOL sorry I didnt mean you would be! They warned her it could take a year, possibly more. Housing my way is very very sought after, it's a high immigration/ponce of the government/council area so the people who need it are left waiting longer.
Aye tankett good timing, bet just the thought of moving is tiring at ur stage, i moved at 10 weeks and that was bad enough.

maybe we should all come down and help could u imagine us all with huge bumps trying to help u move :rotfl:

relly hope everything goes smooth for ya hun :hug:

As the postie didn't bring me anything, the housing woman rang the court. They have confirmed they have posted the letter, so she has booked me an appointment with them tomorrow at 9.30am. They will still need to see the letter, but as it is Bank Holiday weekend (and they get Monday and Tuesday off), she wants to get us sorted ASAP.

She said they have a 4 bedroom house in Loughborough available and I can have the keys tomorrow! But then in her next breath she said it may not be what we are used to! :shock: I asked her what she meant, and she responded by asking 2 questions: Do you have a nice car, and how big is your dog? :? So I said that the cars are both 10-12 years old, and the dog is an alsation. She then asked if he looks vicious! :shock: By now I'm getting worried, and she then told me that it wasn't the nicest of areas, and definitely not Birstall (the village I now live in). Okay, so it may not be the nicest of areas, but once you are in your house and close your front door, it's what you make of it - or am I being niaive?

Anyway, she's given me the street name, so I'm off to look it up and take a drive over in a bit.
Bloody hell i thought moving when i did was bad enough but a week before!!!


I hope it all goes well hun
Hmmm, what can I say? :roll: Well, I could lie and say I'm moving into the Ritz, but I don't think you'd believe me anyway!

I found the house, and it's on the edge of an estate which isn't the best, but the actual area looks pretty clean and tidy. It's one of those council houses in a block, where there are 3 sides of houses facing in on a central grassed area, and the forth side is parking for the area, and a road. It is in a cul de sac which looks okay. The council guys were there removing the metal grills from the front door, so it didn't look it's best!! And the upside down shopping trolley on the front was a lovely touch!!! :rotfl:

Hey, but beggars can't be choosers, and it does have 4 bedrooms. So I'm hoping the council haven't changed their minds by tomorrow morning! :pray:
my god... you don't do things by halfs... but good news that the council woman rushed you throu with it being the bank holiday weekend... good luck with your move.. don't lift, bend or even pick up a cup... get as many people as possible to help with the move... you just worry about where your going to put all babs teddies...

Count down to your section... only 7 more days.. I'm really excited for you!


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