Well, it's been a horrid day so far.
I went to the council this morning, and they offered me either the 4 bed house on the horrible estate, or a 2 bed private house (non-council) in a nicer area. The 4 bed house is only £60 rent a week, and the 2 bed is £147 a week. As I'm going to be on SMP in 2 weeks, I opted for the 4 bed. It is only temporary and shouldn't be any longer than 6 months before they move us permanent. So, I arranged to meet the council bloke at the house at 4pm to sign everything with DH, and to get the keys. I rang DH, and everything is sorted - or so I thought!
DH has a friend who works in the housing needs section of the council, but not for this area, so he can't be seen to be doing anything to help us, or even admit he knows us. Well, he saw our names being written against the 4 bed house, and has rang DH to tell him not to take it! Apparantly, the police are there every night, you can hear guns going off all night, you can't get house insurance in that area, and the last family that were there were hounding out by the local hoodlums and she was 8 months pregnant!
So I've rang them back and told a white lie so this guy doesn't get in trouble. I told them that DH drove up there in his lunch break to see what the area was like, and was immediately harrassed by some local lads, and when he told them he was moving to the house, they started throwing stones at both him and his car. I've told the council that he rang me and said there is no way he is letting his wife be at home all day with a baby in an area like that. The woman I dealt with this morning is on lunch, so she will be ringing me back shortly. So looks like we're going to end up in the 2 bed house, but being completely skint for the next few months.
But at least we'll all be safe. It scared me so much when DH told me what his mate had said, that when I did actually ring the council, I burst into tears!!!

Pregnancy hormones!
So, we still don't know if we are moving this weekend or not!