I'm leaving...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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...I have decided to sadly leave you ladies for a few weeks...I really want to take a step back from stressing about TTC and try not to think about it in order to relax and hopefully get my BFP but unfortunately logging on here everyday keeps TTC constantly in the forefront of my mind...also, while I'm really happy for all of you getting your BFP's it gets me more stressed cos I'm not getting mine...I am due on in a couple of days and I just KNOW she is going to show up again cos I'm getting the pains etc so I think I need a total break from the whole thing...I honestly wish you all the best of luck and will come back soon HOPEFULLY with my BFP!!
Baby dust to all you lovely lot!!! xxxxxxx :wave:
Ah Jarjar....Im so sorry your heading off but I completely understand why your doing it! I truly hope you get a BFP asap and are back here with us asap.....a break will do you good coz you wont be constantly thinking BFP BFP BFP....

Good luck and please pop back to see us....You will be missed ......

Hugs xxxx
awww be sad to see you go hunni

I know what you mean, but I do hope you get your BFP soon

Donna xx
Thanks Ladies...really sweet...I promise I will pop back (see, its only been 10 mins and I'm back already!! :) )...When I come back I hope to see a mountain of BFP's!! xxx
Thanks Hun, here's hoping! Seen your post on the other thread and I really hope this is it for you darling. xxx
Ah thanks jarjar I do too....if it is for real then I def reccommend having a month off...if this is our BFP then I completely put it donw to taking the month off and not stressing over TCC....I really wish you well Jarjar....xxx
Jarjar I will miss you alot but completely understand why you need some time away
I really hope that the next time you come on here is to announce your bfp x x
Take care hun, will miss you but completely understand why you are doing it, best of luck and I really really hope to see you back on here soon with your BFP x x x x x x x x x
I hope you get your BFP :)

This is only my first attempt ttc and i'm already logging on here a few times per day so i can understand how you must be feeling if it isn't going your way.

All the best xx
its probably a good idea hun, hope to see you back soon though! :hug:
:hug: Hope you have a relaxing few weeks, and hope to see you back again soon x

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