i'm home!!! long story...feeling sad :o( update page 2!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Hi girls!!! You have no idea how much I have missed you all!!! Big hugs!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh my god, what a week!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

First and foremost, thanks to all of you for the lovely messages you left me - I'm touched by your kindness and friendship, my OH was right - you've all meant so much to me over the past 9 months and your support has been truly fantastic and beyond belief :)

Isla and I are doing well and were discharged from the hospital this afternoon after a particularly hard decision to abandon breast feeding :cry: I'm devastated about this and burst into tears every time I think about it, but I'm trying to let it go, it's just one of those things. Straight after she was delivered I held Isla to my breast and she was unresponsive towards it even then, despite being told by lots of people that it's instinctive in all babies to know exactly what to do at the breast. Isla really didn't. We tried very hard to get her latched on, which we managed to master despite the hindrance of a tongue tie (which the paeditrician failed to spot, I was the one pointing it out to the consultants :evil: ) and we have a very VERY good latch despite this. The problem we have is in knowing what to do next :wall: She can suck very strong when she wants to, but she's an incredibly lazy feeder - she'll literally suck for about 10 seconds and either fall asleep at the breast or spit out my nipple and scream :( We managed to have some good feeds with the help of all the fantastic midwives on the ward but we were awake for several hours throughout the night which was very tiring and we also syringed a lot of colostrum and had many feeds through syringe. Sadly I was unable to get Isla to feed when I was on my own - I only have two hands and couldn't manage to get her to latch and suck, and tickle her feet or stimulate her in some way in order to get her to continue sucking. This went on until yesterday until a midwife asked me how the feeding was going and I just burst into tears (I'd been in tears with another midwife the night before regarding the struggle I was having feeding). She inspected the baby and decided she was too jaundiced and very sleepyand alerted the paeditricians, who decided to send her for various blood tests which was frightening because I thought there was something drastically wrong with Isla. The midwife sat with me and comforted me for a while, and she was also the first midwife who agreed with me that the tongue tie was a problem as others had previously dismissed it :wall: Anyway, the paeds decided Isla was within safe levels of jaundice. However, in view of the fact that Isla had not had a dirty nappy or even weed for several hours decided that we would have to top her up with formula to keep her safe. I felt like the worst mum in the world :( :( :( I absolutely bawled my eyes out. The midwives assured me that we could continue to try to breastfeed if that's what I wanted to do, but after some consideration regarding my mental wellbeing and Isla's health I decided to abandon breastfeeding as it was putting both of us at risk in some way or another. I've had lots of tears on several occasions about this as I really enjoyed the bonding I had with Isla regarding our feeds and I feel like I've failed her in some way. I know I mustn't blame myself as the problem is with Isla initially and not with me, but I had my heart set on it so badly and am jealous of everyone here who is breastfeeding....I have to be honest and say it kind of breaks my heart a bit. Staying on the ward was tough as everyone around me was feeding successfully....I just had to get out of there for my own sanity.

So we're home now and we're on the mend. Isla is feeding really well from the bottle and demolishes them which puts my mind at rest that she is going to be okay. We are being referred for physio as we have talipes in our right foot due to the way she was lying in the womb - she bends her foot outwards and upwards and the foot appears "squashed". I will take a pic to show you. Sadly if the physio doesn't work we will be referred to a surgeon as they are concerned it may affect her ability to learn to walk, but hopefully this will be corrected without surgical intervention.

I am so in love with my daughter it's unreal. She really is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen - every little noise she makes, every little funny face she makes just melts my heart... I panic sometimes that I won't be a good mum but I have to nip these feelings in the bud and enjoy my little girl. She really is an angel.

Introducing Isla Elizabeth Buck, born 29th September 2008 at 4.21pm, weighing 7lbs 7oz :) :) :)

Coming into the world :)

Where am I?!

Mummy time :)

Home at last!

Will post my birth story soon, probs at some point tomorrow girlies. Missed you!!!

C xxx
Claire she is absolutely stunning, well done you.

If you ever need to talk about the feeding thing, it sounds very similar to what we went through so don't hesitate to PM if you need to vent. Enjoy your little girl (I LOVE the name Isla), she is beautiful. :hug: :hug:
She's just gorgeous! :hug: Don't feel down about the feeding, I had a similar prob, but as long as LO is healthy and safe thats all that matters! :D

I love her name too!! :hug: :hug:
She is so gorgeous hun!! Congratulations!! :hug:
Your story is also similar to when I had Joseph (my first) I was devastated at first and felt like such a bad mum but Im not and your not hun! :hug:
I felt like that was my birth post from DD. i had EXACTLY the same problem and cried my heart out when i had to abandon breastfeeding it made me feel like i was this awful woman who failed to do the most natural thing and it tore me up so i know just how you felt hun and wanted to give you these becuse its hard to let go of something you really wanted to do :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry to hear about her foot, hoping pysio helps ! Love the name and she is so precious well done and enjoy every second of her she will grow so fast :) xxx
Must be something to do with Isla's as my Isla wouldnt breastfeed either! You MUST put it behind you and not dwell on it, move on and just remeber that you are a fab mum and it is not the be all and end all. I didnt do this and ended up with PND as i refused to beleive that formula was okay. My Isla is fit and healthy 2 year old and thrived on formula, yours will too! It is the best thing for both of you and a happy stress free mummy and baby is very important. :hug:

She is soooooo gorgeous!!! I love her! :cheer: Welldone you!!!!
Aw claireyyssss shes ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS !!!
Dont put so much pressure on yourself hun !!! Sure it would have been lovely but nothings perfect, youve got a lovely healthy little lady !!

You made an incredibley hard decision and put your duaghters best interests first hun, in my eyes that makes you a MUM !

Shes soo sooo cute, i can see howd you'd loose hours just looking at her she looks like a little doll !! I want one !!

Cant wait to join you over in the parenting section !!

xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations she is gorgeous, i love her name!!!Im so sorry hun that breastfeeding has not gone well, i couldnt breastfeed Taylor he had a swollen head for days and he was in agony, it felt awful but you have to do whats right!!!!!! :hug:
congratulations, hun :hug: :hug:
don't worry about the breastfeeding, you did your best which is all anyone can ask!
congratulations and she is absolutely beautiful...well done :) :hug:
She is so beautiful hun :cheer: :hug: Congratulations!

I understand how you feel about the breastfeeding. Oscar has a tongue tie and we are only able to feed using nipple shields. Unfortunately he doesn't seen to be gaining any weight and is nowhere near his birth weight at three weeks old. We aren't sure whether this is due to the tongue tie as he seems to be feeding fairly effectively. We've been told that if he hasn't gained weight in two weeks time they will cut his tongue tie to see if that'll help. We have been feeding him one bottle of formula a day pretty much since birth and are considering introducing more as we are getting worried about the lack of weight gain.

It sounds as though you have done the very best for your daughter :hug: The important things is that Isla is feeding well, that will make her happy which will keep you happy too :hug: I've found these early weeks so hard what with feeding issues, baby blues and sleep deprivation that anything that can make it easier on you is a good thing. Wishing you all the best and so pleased your gorgeous daughter is here :hug:
Awww claire :hug: :hug: congratulations, she is beautiful :hug: :hug:

Please don't bet yourself up about breastfeeding, sometimes things just don't work out the way we want no matter how much we try :hug:
awww shes beautiful hun well done :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxx
awwww clairey she is gorgeous :hug: i know how you feel regardin the feeding cos had to make that decision with Charlie and its soooo hard :hug: one of those occasions where breast isn't always best and you mustn't beat yourself up :hug: :hug: :hug: you did the most magical thing you could by managing to get the colustrum into her sweetheart - she's had all that goodness from you so you did really really well! look after yourself sweetie xxxxxxx
Aww, congratulations. She is beautiful.
Sorry things didn't work out as planned.
:cheer: congratulations hun, shes beautiful im sorry 2 hear about the breastfeeding but its not the end of the world the most important thing is ur healthy daughter,
im sure every1 here has the upmost respect 4 u 2 try so hard at it :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Congratulations hun. She is beautiful :dance: :dance: :dance:

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