Hi girls! Quick update here, been such a long time since I've been near a PC and I doubt I'll be near one again for a while so will get on when I can...
Okay, so we are home and things are hectic. It's much harder work than I was anticipating and I am soooooooooo unbelievably tired
But Isla is worth it
She's adorable. I am still scared of her at times - I am rubbish at changing her clothes, and take ages doing a nappy and she screams at me...it's frustrating but we'll get there slowly but surely.
Regarding feeding, there have been a few changes. My midwife visited yesterday and she said they won't treat Isla's tongue tie unless it's an issue with feeding, which means I will have to persevere with the breastfeeding just so they will correct the tongue tie
I was in two minds about this as have been feeling so stressed about the whole thing and wasn't sure I wanted to give it another go. After some consideration, I've decided we will. I'm not convinced it will work, but I am expressing milk and giving it to Isla in a bottle, and topping her up with formula feeds. We don't have a particular system, but I am expressing after most feeds. I'm not sure how long this will work but I seem to be lucky with my milk supply. It only came through yesterday but I got 120ml off of one breast this afternoon
So I'm happy to be able to give Isla some milk, even if I can only keep it up for a few weeks
In the meantime we will have the tongue tie corrected and have another bash at breastfeeding. If it doesn't work, we will try nipple shields as my nipples are quite flat and I've heard this can help. But even if none of this works I'm somewhat comforted that I can give her some of my milk, even if it's not for long
So we are having another community visit tomorrow and we will tell them we are going to try breastfeeding again and arrange for the tongue tie correction. Yay!
I'm secretly finding motherhood quite tough at the moment and daddy does a lot of the nappy changing and washing at the moment because I am finding it all so overwhelming. But things will settle down and we'll be fine. We've had a rocky start but things are looking up.
If anyone wants to add me to Facebook, just PM. I have more pictures of Isla there and try and keep it updated
Lots of love and hugs,
Claire, Will and Squidge xxx