i'm home!!! long story...feeling sad :o( update page 2!!!!!!

:cheer: shes a beauty! So is her name (its the one Ive picked if we are a girl!!) :dance:
Awwwww shes so beautiful! Been thinking of you lots sweetie. Well done to you for doing so well :hug: the feeding thing is really hard I have to express everything for Ivy despite getting her to feed straight after the birth too she just falls asleep or gets really annoyed and shakes and pulls her head away from the breast if you try and feed her shes determined not to feed and one night in the hospital she looked so dehydrated and hungry too. Also my boobies are difficult for her to latch on to :hug: Your doing the best for your little girl :hug: Congratulations xxx
I've PMed you sweetie!!

HUGE congrats!! I love her name and she's so lovely!! :cheer:

You really shouldn't beat yourself up! Breast isn't best for everyone. It might be "best" for babies, but it's got to suit Mum too and if it doesn't, well, we all know formula isn't poison!! :lol: :hug:

But, I've sent you a PM *just in case* you decide you want to try to BF again... It can be done, it's just a long and sometimes horrible road, worth it in the end though - or so I'm told!!

Oh Claire I remember feeling that exact same way when Reggie wouldnt breastfeed, please dont feel bad you tried your best :hug: have you tried expressing maybe as thats what I did for the first few weeks as he was exactly the same- too lazy to work for it as first? If not dont worry if you're gonna be sainer usng formula then its better for baby and you as its not fair on you to be upset. Well done on Isla she's beautiful and its a lovely name. Enjoy her and make sure you keep posting us pics and news. And she was only a day off my birthday so good girl Isla!xx
Congratulations on the birth of Isla :D

So much sympathy with you on the breast feeding front. I had a similar experience with my first, he was prem and didn't have a sucking reflex. We tried to breastfeed but he was losing weight and was cup/tube fed etc....in the end it got to the point where I was just desperate for him to feed so we decided to bottle feed. I was really upset about this as it never entered my head to bottle feed before he was born but it was very naiive of me to think that everything would be plain sailing. We tried when we got home from hospital but he just was never interested. I expressed for 3 weeks and then stuck to formula after that.

The main thing is that your baby is getting fed and she is gaining weight. You will get over the guilt, especially when you see little Isla flourish. You have to do what is right for you and your daughter.

Enjoy your precious bundle of joy.
oh hunny dont feel guilty you did the best you could love you Isla got the best stuff the colostrum :hug:
Well done for trying so hard but your doing the right thing for both of you your happy Isla is happy and healthy thats to feel proud of and celebrate 8) :D
Enjoy your little sweetheart congratulations again :hug: :cheer:
Hi girls! Quick update here, been such a long time since I've been near a PC and I doubt I'll be near one again for a while so will get on when I can...

Okay, so we are home and things are hectic. It's much harder work than I was anticipating and I am soooooooooo unbelievably tired :bored: :bored: :bored: But Isla is worth it :) She's adorable. I am still scared of her at times - I am rubbish at changing her clothes, and take ages doing a nappy and she screams at me...it's frustrating but we'll get there slowly but surely.

Regarding feeding, there have been a few changes. My midwife visited yesterday and she said they won't treat Isla's tongue tie unless it's an issue with feeding, which means I will have to persevere with the breastfeeding just so they will correct the tongue tie :| I was in two minds about this as have been feeling so stressed about the whole thing and wasn't sure I wanted to give it another go. After some consideration, I've decided we will. I'm not convinced it will work, but I am expressing milk and giving it to Isla in a bottle, and topping her up with formula feeds. We don't have a particular system, but I am expressing after most feeds. I'm not sure how long this will work but I seem to be lucky with my milk supply. It only came through yesterday but I got 120ml off of one breast this afternoon :dance: So I'm happy to be able to give Isla some milk, even if I can only keep it up for a few weeks :) In the meantime we will have the tongue tie corrected and have another bash at breastfeeding. If it doesn't work, we will try nipple shields as my nipples are quite flat and I've heard this can help. But even if none of this works I'm somewhat comforted that I can give her some of my milk, even if it's not for long :) So we are having another community visit tomorrow and we will tell them we are going to try breastfeeding again and arrange for the tongue tie correction. Yay!

I'm secretly finding motherhood quite tough at the moment and daddy does a lot of the nappy changing and washing at the moment because I am finding it all so overwhelming. But things will settle down and we'll be fine. We've had a rocky start but things are looking up.

If anyone wants to add me to Facebook, just PM. I have more pictures of Isla there and try and keep it updated :)

Lots of love and hugs,

Claire, Will and Squidge xxx
She is really beautiful Claire.....the first picture looks like she bungee jumped out of you :rotfl: :rotfl:

So sorry to hear about your problems with BF but don't be too diheartened, you'll still be a fantastic mummy no matter what. Could you express your milk and bottle feed that to her??? best of both worlds :think: :think:

can't wait to read your birth story and congratulations once again :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww Claire, you are gonna be a fab mum trust me like you say its just overwhelming but it will come naturally to you i promise. And well done on the expressing, it sounds exactly like what happened to me and i managed to exclusively bottle feed expressed milk for 6 weeks until Reggie finally learnt breastfeeding. I started off using shields too but now dont need them so it shows anything can happen but like you say ANY milk you can give is briliant so you're already doing soooo well! PM me if you want any info on what i did but im sure you're gonna have your hands full for a while. :hug: xxxx
Hey, i've missed this post so sorry for the late congratulations.
She really is beautiful, i'm sorry your finding it tough, i remember feeling like a zombie at first but it really does get easier, you get used to lack of sleep and soon you'll be changing her nappies with your eyes closed. I'd love to say changing them gets easier but it's our one issue, she hates being fussed with so putting htings over her head or trying to get her arms in usually ends in tears.

It's good your trying to get some breast milk to her, i know obviously her tongue tie is a problem and atm topping her up may be easiest as she cannot easily latch on to you, however if you keep topping up it will affect your milk supply. I just hope she can haveher tongue tie clipped soon so you can have a good opportunity to try and make BFing work for you.

Like others have said though try not to beat yourself up about it if you find you have to give her formula, it's not your fault and you have tried to give her breast milk. You'll still have a healthy baby girl at the endof it and you'll know that it wasnt meant to be.

Good luck with everything, it will all soon seem like you've been doing it for years.
A big congratulations to you all, Isla is beautiful. Don't beat yourself up over the breastfeeding issue, some babies just don't take to it, like the others have said she got the all important colostrum from you and hopefully if her tongue tie is sorted it might get easier.

Everything you have said about how you are feeling and getting on is completely normal. When I think back to what I had to do just to get in the shower it makes me laugh, it does get easier over time, it's just such a massive change to your lifestyle but you will get there.

Thankyou so much for all the support girls :hug: :hug: :hug:

I will try and post my birth story by the end of the week, if I find the time lol!!!

C xxx
congraulations hun she is lovely and i love the name isla, sorry that bf didnt work out for you but you really tried your best for her.

xxxx :hug: :hug:

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