im going to get spoilt tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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Yipeeeeeeee tomorrow is my last day in work

for a whole year!!!!!!!!

work have been planning so much behind my back and my best mate has been letting me in on secrets firstly i no they have got me this ... ers/726621

and i have seen all the ballons hid in the meeting room and we are having a lil buffet :)

i cant wait, as i wasnt around for my baby shower with my last child as i was due to take mat leave at 38weeks she came at 35weeks lol
You have a good day tomorrow and if they want to spoil you let them and enjoy it hun have a good one
Oh god the worst senario went through my head reading that dionne,

what if you don't get what your expecting!! Lol- it's no one birthday tomorrow is it?!! Lol :dance:

Have a great day Hun, i got really emotional on my day of leave and cried! :cry:

oh have a greta day , what a good start to a long weekend.
Lucky you! Enjoy yourself and let us know what else you get.
Have a fantastic day Dee, enjoy it cos you wont be seeing that place for a year!! Lol. More time for MSN :) Let us kow what you get and how the day went....enjoy being a spoilt preggy princess for the day!! Rocking chair/bouncer looks ace :wink:
how was your last day dionne?

bet my work get me a card and thats all!! haha xxxx
oh it was lovely :)

i got spoilt loads of baby clothes, he has a new outfit for evey day for the first 6months lol, yh i got my bouncy chair :)

people i hardly no got me things it was lovely i feel very special lol

Glad you had a wicked day hun you deserve it :wink:
Glad you had a lovely day honey, I am so jealous that you are finished for a whole year!!

glad you had a great day sweety!

how exciting no more work... any plans for your time off? xxx
just between now and baby spend as much quality time with Dior as possible, then just enjoy the summer with my 2 babies :)

i cant wait :dance:
i am so glad that u had a good day hun!!! its hard to believe that ur on mat leave already oh how time flys lol
glad you had such a lovely day dionne hun xxxxxxxx

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