I'm going to be a Mum!!!! F@%!$KKKKKKK!


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2011
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i was driving home from work tonight and it kinda hit me. I am going to be a Mum in a few months. I am going to have a little baby totally dependant on me and I must admit, I had a little freak out!

shit, I dont think I am ready for that responsibility! I mean we have bought loads of stuff for baby, even thought about what area we are going to move to in a few years for schools etc etc, so we have been thinking about being parents.

I guess it just hadnt really sunk in. i still feel too young! And to be honest I dont have a maternal bone in my body. I love my neice and nephew dearly, but I am very glad when they go home!

I really feel like I am gonna fuck it all up. Like not bond or just be a shite mother? I like my sleep, and i dont function well without it. I can see me being a right crabbit horrible cow once baby is here.

anyone else having their first and shitting themselves???
This is my first, i completely understand where your coming from! i'm sure you will be a great mum! :)
This hit me the other day when I was told I'll be Santa this year :faint: xxxx
I'm having my first and as excited as I am, I am also absolutely pooping my pants!!

Will I be able to breastfeed? Will I know what she wants when she's crying? Will I change her often enough? Will I cope with night feeds? Will I bond with her? Will I feed her enough? Will I keep her warm and safe enough? Will she love me??

I guess we'll see lol x

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Ha ha! This thread is priceless! I had an 'oh pants' moment in the bath the other week of 'this baby's got to come out' really didn't think this whole thing through.

Ive also been so focussed on the pregnancy and the labour that I realised there is probably going to be a moment when we bring the little fella home and just look at each other and say 'now what?'

It's going to be an amazing adventure either way and for the moments of sheer desperation or terror I know I always have you guys to talk to xx
Haha i had this today too!! I was in bhs looking at baby clothes and then looked next to them was ages 7+...
Oh my god my little baby girl who is un born yet...is eventually going to be that age!
Then it made me think of her 16th birthday and then 18th! Then made me think thats MY little girl, im going to be a mummy! Freaked me out a little haha!
I've had the same thoughts as all of you but most especially the 'this baby will have to come out' and all the worries that go with that.
Ive just got back from my 16 year old nieces dance recital for her GCSE and it dawned on me that one day I will be doing stuff like that as the parent. Its all really scary stuff!
Ha ha! This thread is priceless! I had an 'oh pants' moment in the bath the other week of 'this baby's got to come out' really didn't think this whole thing through.

Ive also been so focussed on the pregnancy and the labour that I realised there is probably going to be a moment when we bring the little fella home and just look at each other and say 'now what?'

in a nutshell how I am feeling! was so concentrated on getting pregnant, then getting to 12 weeks, then to 20 weeks and now I am actually almost half way through I am only just realising what we have done??!!
I'm now worried that I'm not worried if that makes sense! I think I am just too excited at the moment. It I'm sure the 'oh shit' moment will come! Haha! Xx
Im beginning to have the oh shit moments knowing baby can come at any time now, i have all sorts going through my mind, its odd x
I recently had the panic of having to get the baby out when I accidentally looked at labour pages in a pregnancy book, did not want to see that just yet. I cAnt get my head around having a tiny person relying on me, I keep thinking I'm only 24 surely Im not old enough to be allowed a baby! My heads a bit all over lately one minute I'm calm and yay about it all then just crapping myself.
I still haven't fully come to terms with the fact that there will be a baby at the end of all of this... a real life little tiny baby...MY real life little tiny baby...

Guess my Oh shit moment is still to happen...

this is my 3rd but my youngest is 14 oldest 15.
ive just spent 3 days in hosp because of high bp and i barely slept and was told i needed steroids to mature the babies lungs quickly.........i was totally freaked out but luckily the bp meds worked to bring my bp right down and baby should be safe for a while yet although i might not go full term................i will be glad of baby baking for a while longer because being a parent to a new baby is difficult no matter how many times u do it..............but im sure everyone will be fine xx
I think the second trimester is when the fear kicks in. I've been worrying about things I didnt even know I could possibly worry about! I remember watching a poor woman in birth in a video in a science class at school, she was screaming the place down and I thought 'not a chance. its not for me' and now look at me! Now I'll be the one starring in the video for the next generation of kids to be scared by xxx
I was left traumatized during Med school when we were doing gynecology rotation and we assisted in births :shock: back then and after some tragic events I decided than c section all the way for me lol...
thankfully for me elective c section is not an option here so besides the normal panic about labour that every woman has now I have some old demons following me too....
As about the oh crap what have we done it keeps coming in my mind every time we mindlessly cuddle in bed win my oh, watch a movie, go to cinema, just go for an unplanned road trip etc... It will take lots of years for us to get that independency and spontaneity back If ever lol...
Ofc probably nth of all that will matter once the bean is here but the leap from we are lovers to oh crap we are parents will be huge....
God help us all :lol:
I think its only natural to feel like that, i too think shit im nearly half way and OMG yes there is a baby in there and yes i do have to get it out one way or another! I also wonder will i be able to stop it crying, will i love it!

Im also so panicking becasue theres not many sypmtoms at this stage only sore boobs that it is even ok in there, roll on scan 2 weeks today! xxx
I'm completely freaked lately. Been stressed I'll not be good enough :( xx
I am panicking a bit too, glad to see we're all feeling the same! I had a mini freak out reading a magazine the other day and it mentioned nappy rash, and I suddenly thought, oh god I've never changed a nappy. What if I'm a really crap mum and my poor little baby gets nappy rash because I haven't changed him/her properly! It is scary to think of things like that.

I know exactly what you mean lynds, its like we have been concentrating so hard on TTC, getting BFP, getting to 12 weeks, first scan etc, and that all seemed to take forever and go really slowly... But now suddenly its going quickly and we are halfway, and so it just hits you! I said to OH the other day when we were lying in bed that we will be cuddling a little baby this time in 21 weeks, and that really brought it home!

I had an 'oh shit' moment about the birth last week too, I didn't really think it through properly about having to do that part haha! I've been going to aquanatal classes and the teacher made us all do deep breathing pretending we were having contractions, and then she went 'now the head is crowning and you need to pant!' I suddenly felt terrified and thought oh jesus, I am going to have to give birth! I don't want the head to crown, haha!
I felt like this with my DD, was seriously convinced that I wouldn't know what to do with a new baby, so very worried. I kept telling everyone that I didn't think that I'd be able to do it.

Yet here I am 18 months down the line and Millie is fine and so are we. Its amazing how you just adapt really. And I won't lie, the sleep situation is not good at first, but it does get better I promise. I love my sleep, used to lie in til lunchtime at weekends lol, but not any more! But you learn to live with it :)

I'm sure you will all be excellent mummy's and like me, will wonder what the hell you was worrying about :D x x
Yep me too what if I cant stop minion crying or what if i do something wrong. I think cos Im the youngest out of me and my brother and havent really been around babies that much im panicing that i wont be able to cope and although hubby is the eldest of him and his sister he was only 3 when his sister was born and she had lots of operations on her arms and feet so was in full casts so dont think he handled her much as he got older

Hubby and I are totally excited and I cant stop looking at my bump and cant help but smile. Im the kind of person that would normally panic about something like labour thinking holy shite theres a baby gonna come out of there (im a nitemare gettng a smear done so thought childbirth is out for me) but Im actually calm about labour an birth hubby and I put it in there so it has to come out one way or another.....bring it on (ask me again after labour and my views may have changed lol) xx

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